We had our bi-weekly sales meeting today in my office and the manager wanted to emphaize how your attitude can affect your life, overall. And I just wanted to share this because there's plenty of time I have had negative attitude and I need to practice on turning that negative into a positive.
The following was what she shared:
Several national tests have revealed the following startling statistics about why people fail on the job:
20% Improper training; poor job skills
15% Poor verbal and written communication skills
15% Poor or problematic boss or management
50% Attitude
Sounds almost imposiible, doesn't it?
People can succeed 50% more if they just change the way they think. Earl Nightingale reveals the secret of a positive attitued in his legendary and easy-to-find recording, The Strangest Secret:
"You become what you think about..."
But, it's a dedicated discipline that must be praticed, EVERYDAY!
You can have a 50% better chance for success, at anything you do, if you start with the simple understanding that:
Quality performance starts with a positive attitude!
-Jeffrey Gitomer