How the Rich think Different from the Poor?
This is a list of ways Rich people think and act different from the Poor and middle class people. Please give this some serious reflection.
1. Rich People believe "I create my life".
......... Poor people believe "Life is what happens to me"
2. Rich peole are commited to being Rich
......... Poor people wan to be rich
3. Rich people think BIG!
........... Poor people think small
4. Rich people focus on opportunites.
........... poor people focus on the obstacles
5. Rich people admire other rich and successful people.
........... Poor people resent rich and successful people.
6. Rich people associate with positive successful people.
........... Poor people associate with Negative or unsuccessful people.
7. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.
.......... Poor people think negatively about selling or promotion or marketing.
8. Rich people choose to get paid based on results.
.......... Poor people choose to get paid based on Time or Hours.
9. Rich People focus on their net worth.
............ Poor People focus on thier working or weekly income.
10. Rich People manage their money well.
.......... Poor people mismanage their Money well.
11. Rich people have their money work for them
........... Poor people work hard for their money
12. Rich people constantly Learn More and Grow.
............ Poor people think they already know it all.
Well how does your thinking stack up against this list?
Expect Success,
Wallace Hobbs
Real Estate Entrepreneur