
How the Rich think Different from the Poor?

Education & Training
I was reading this the other day and it really Hit home for me. . .

This is a list of ways Rich people think and act different from the Poor and middle class people. Please give this some serious reflection.

1. Rich People believe "I create my life".

......... Poor people believe "Life is what happens to me"

2. Rich peole are commited to being Rich

......... Poor people wan to be rich

3. Rich people think BIG!

........... Poor people think small

4. Rich people focus on opportunites.

........... poor people focus on the obstacles

5. Rich people admire other rich and successful people.

........... Poor people resent rich and successful people.

6. Rich people associate with positive successful people.

........... Poor people associate with Negative or unsuccessful people.

7. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.

.......... Poor people think negatively about selling or promotion or marketing.

8. Rich people choose to get paid based on results.

.......... Poor people choose to get paid based on Time or Hours.

9. Rich People focus on their net worth.

............ Poor People focus on thier working or weekly income.

10. Rich People manage their money well.

.......... Poor people mismanage their Money well.

11. Rich people have their money work for them

........... Poor people work hard for their money

12. Rich people constantly Learn More and Grow.

............ Poor people think they already know it all.

Well how does your thinking stack up against this list?

Expect Success,

Wallace Hobbs
Real Estate Entrepreneur


Eric Bouler
Gardner Realtors, Licensed in La. - New Orleans, LA
Listening to your Needs
I think its not that you are rich or poor,its how you think about life. Being rich only means you can buy things. These are too easy to peg people into those holes. All my family was poor years ago and they did not change tthe way they thought. If you lived in the rural south in the 30s, 40s and 50s more than likely you were going to be poor. We would be better off haveing smart people run things than the rich. Makes great one liners but most of these statements are hardly true 
Oct 16, 2006 12:54 PM
Tricia Jumonville
Bradfield Properties - Georgetown, TX
Texas REALTOR , Agent With Horse Sense

I agree that rich people - really rich people - act differently than poor people. 

When I was much younger, a preacher's kid in East Texas, there was an old grandfatherly guy who my father knew well.  I used to get to go fishing with them sometimes in the lake on the old guy's farm.  I never saw him in anything other than overalls.  Very nice old guy.  I knew his name at the time, but it didn't mean anything to me - I was mostly impressed by the bass in his lake! 

 Later, I found out who Clint Murchison, Sr., was.  (You young whippersnappers might need to google it; suffice it to say, he left his sons enough money that one of them could buy the Cowboys football team as a playtoy.)  There were several other experiences like that at that time, people who were "just people" as far as I was concerned, but who, when they cast their eyes in the direction of small countries, those countries trembled.  

It was at that time that I had the occasion, in the company of one of these people, to go to the original Neiman Marcus back when it was still Neiman Marcus in spirit and Stanley was at the helm.  I noted the absolutely impeccable service that everyone received.  I also noted that when an old woman who looked close to what we would call a bag lady today, or an old man who looked down on his luck, came in the door, the energy in the place crackled and all of the sales staff came to attention.  I learned that this was because those were the people who could buy the whole store and Stanley, too, if they wanted. 

Yep, they're different than poor folks - but not necessarily in the ways one might assume!


Oct 16, 2006 01:27 PM
Wallace Hobbs
Horsham, PA
 Comments on How the Rich think Different from the Poor?

I think its not that you are rich or poor,its how you think about life. Being rich only means you can buy things. These are too easy to peg people into those holes. All my family was poor years ago and they did not change tthe way they thought. If you lived in the rural south in the 30s, 40s and 50s more than likely you were going to be poor. We would be better off haveing smart people run things than the rich. Makes great one liners but most of these statements are hardly true 

10/16/2006 by Eric Bouler Edit Delete

Interesting, May I ask which one is not "Hardly True" in your mind and why?

Oct 17, 2006 03:42 AM
Tricia Jumonville
Bradfield Properties - Georgetown, TX
Texas REALTOR , Agent With Horse Sense

Don't know about Eric, but right off the bat I can say that this one: 

12. Rich people constantly Learn More and Grow.

............ Poor people think they already know it all.

is a generalization that doesn't match my experience. I've known rich people who have either attitude, and poor people who have either attitude. 

I've also known rich people who don't manage their money particularly well and poor people who manage the money they do have VERY well. 

 This is all assuming, of course, that by "rich" and "poor" we're talking about their "bank balance" (or net worth in a financial sense).

Oct 17, 2006 03:53 AM
Wallace Hobbs


Thanks for your comments and your opinion.

I was reading this in a Magazine the other day and wanted feedback, and I appreciate yours.

Enjoy your day! 


Oct 17, 2006 05:43 AM
Rich Schiffer
Swarthmore, PA
Referral Agent, e-PRO

I don't in general like categorizing people.  It is usually unfair to the people being categorized in some way.  That having been said, wrap your brains around this for a while:  there are really only two types of people in the world:

  1. Those that put people into two categories, and
  2. Those that don't.
Oct 18, 2006 04:49 AM
Ann Guy
NA - Allentown, PA


I like this blog.  And I don't see is as all about money.  We can be "rich" is so many different ways" 

What I got out of your blog is this:  there are 2 types of people, those who think they can do it and those who can.

"Do or do not, there is no try" Yoda. Jedi Master


Oct 18, 2006 08:22 AM
Wallace Hobbs
Horsham, PA

"What I got out of your blog is this:  there are 2 types of people, those who think they can do it and those who can."

That is exactly what I came away with after reading it the first time.


Oct 18, 2006 08:51 AM
Richard Goates
Apex California Realty - Redding, CA
Broker 01251781

Very nice! You are what you think all day long....think positive...think that you are worthy....want to see how you compare to the rest of the world in wealty?

It is amazing where you might be!!

Apr 11, 2007 10:49 AM
Wallace Hobbs
Horsham, PA

Welcome and I invite you to Join all our forum members over at

Jul 13, 2010 11:47 AM