
YDL (Ypsilanti District Library)

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams AA

It seems that you can never lean enough in this fast growing Internet age. I was in need of some computer training and had looked at the classes at WCC and Eastern. Both had classes but were tied into degrees. Well, I don't need a degree and the cost was quite high.

 One night when were at dinner with friends I mentioned this, my friend Jenifer said, "Dale you should go to the YDA". (Ypsilanti District Library)  They have Word and Excel classes on Tuesday and Thursday evening, and oh by the way did I mention that they are free. I said, Sweet, that is in my budget!

My wife and I both went and took several classes and found the library a real treasure trove. First of all it is spectacular; I mean really an impressive spacious building. They have a computer lab that anyone can use to search the Internet to look for jobs or e mailing. In fact, the classes I took had several people who had lost their jobs and wanted to either brush up on or learn Word and Excel.  Bridget is one of the instructors; she was so nice and very competent and made the class very interesting.

They also have a lot of Art on display featuring local artist. They have almost 300,000 rentable items including books and Audio books. I enthusiastically recommend everyone check out this public treasure.

They have four locations, I went to the newest facility on Whittaker Rd, but there is the Michigan Ave location, Superior and the book mobile.