Life is a journey of massive proportions. We make daily choices that mold the entire fabric of our lives. We can choose to live solitary and non-interactive lives or we can choose to have a Life of Influence. We can use that to further our fellow man and enrich their lives.
Here's some guidelines taken from Ancient Script.
1. Get strength from your purpose as you know it to be. A clearly defined purpose gives us a boldness in our approach to living and leading. It allows you to have a confidence that overrides any doubts you may have lingering in your thoughts. Take the time to write out your purpose for your life as you know it to be. When that purpose is clear in your mind you'll be sure that there is no error, delusion, or impure purpose or motive in your purpose. This gives you a boldness in your actions that is simply undeniable.
2. Don't worry about pleasing others Focus on your reason--your WHY. Keep your eye on THAT ball and not on what other people do or say or think about what you're doing. It's impossible to please everyone, so don't even try. If you get caught up in pleasing others, you'll lose your focus and lose the game. I love the old saying that goes something like:
When I was 20 I worried about what other people thought about me.
When I was 40 I didn't really care what other people thought about me.
When I was 60 I realized that people were so caught up in their own lives that they were never really thinking all that much about me.
Don't get distracted trying to please people. Stay focused.
3. Tell Your Story Now because you are bold and focused and care little what others think, you are free to share what you're doing with multitudes. Jump out into the battle. Launch your new site. Post your articles. Tell your Facebook community. Join other networking groups. Share you opinion. The timid and reserved who have no place in business. You are the entrepreneur. You are a leader. You are a person on a mission.
4. Share Your Life It's important to get involved with people as you come along side them to assist them in their journey. As Zig Zigler says, "You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." As you become someone worth following, people will follow you and the common purpose you all share will synergize all of your efforts. You see, people don't care how much you know till they know how much you care. Your involvement in their success will bring you rich relationships and rich rewards. Know however that getting involved can be messy business. You'll discover things about yourself and other people that you might not want to know. It's part of the process of personal growth and evelopment. While getting involved can get a little messy at times, it is also a most rewarding use of your time.
5. Keep looking forward -- To The Horizon Keep looking forward. The goal is usually not at hand. Your goals should always be in the distance and while you are chipping little pieces of it away each day, your focus needs to be on your why and on your result. The process is about making continuous progress. The goal is your reward.
I remember one vacation at the beach in Carpenteria, CA. I was out on a morning run along the beach as I had done the previous days we'd been there. The difference on this day was that it was very foggy. When I got to my turn around point and headed back to the start, I couldn't see the pier I was used to seeing. For some reason the run was more tiring and seemed longer than usual because I couldn't see my destination. Whenever you take your eyes off of your goals and start focusing on the grind of daily existence, you will get weary.
The Bible says it well -- Run in such a way as to win the prize.
Running with your eyes focused on your goals will cause a stir in the people around you. It's infectious. It can't be ignored. Living a life of influence is about setting your sites and the engaging others to help them on their journey as you run towards a common goal.
It doesn't get better than this....