Yes the time has come when I need to take this blogging thing seriously. OK its been about a year that I put my first blog on Active Rain. I was so enthusiastic, I was going to be this great blogger, after all I can fill a paragraph as well as the next guy with useful Real Estate information for potential clients or my real estate colleagues. So what went wrong that I didn't keep up with it. NO COMMENTS! Translation, no one cared what I wrote about. What a great excuse not to do it anymore! Well after all those months of saying blogging is a waste of time I am back to give it another try. A serious effort. .
I am not from the generation X, Y, or Z. I convinced myself that social media was going to be a fad. I'm a great Realtor, however I am now realizing that I am passing up a lot of business by not taking advantage of free marketing and networking. No longer do I believe that I can get by with just the old ways of print ads, cold calling or just maintaining my contacts. I am afraid it just doesn't cut it anymore.
I am not going to give up so easily this time just because I may not get any COMMENTS about what I write about. So no more excuses, its time that I take this blogging thing seriously. What was that line in Field of Dreams "build it and they will come."