
No more Excuses. . I'm taking this blogging thing seriously.

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Thompson's Realty

Yes the time has come when I need to take this blogging thing seriously. OK its been about a year that I put my first blog on Active Rain. I was so enthusiastic, I was going to be this great blogger, after all I can fill a paragraph as well as the next guy with useful Real Estate information for potential clients or my real estate colleagues.  So what went wrong that I didn't keep up with it. NO COMMENTS! Translation, no one cared what I wrote about. What a great excuse not to do it anymore! Well after all those months of saying blogging is a waste of time I am back to give it another try. A serious effort. .

I am not from the generation X, Y, or Z. I convinced myself that social media was going to be a fad.  I'm a great Realtor, however I am now realizing that I am passing up a lot of business by not taking advantage of free marketing and networking. No longer do I believe that I can get by with just the old ways of print ads, cold calling or just maintaining my contacts. I am afraid it just doesn't cut it anymore.

I am not going to give up so easily this time just because I may not get any COMMENTS about what I write about. So no more excuses, its time that I take this blogging thing seriously. What was that line in Field of Dreams "build it and they will come." 


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Nancy Conner
Olympia, WA
Olympia/Thurston County WA

Hi TJ - do keep blogging!  I think all of us start out wondering if anyone reads our blogs - or cares about them.  Then gradually as you look at your statistics you realize that people are reading, even if they aren't always commenting (& I know I read more blogs than I actually comment on).  Then you get a real estate lead who has read some of your blogs & decided to contact you - and wow, it works!!

Feb 23, 2010 10:17 AM
Steve and Jan Bachman
RE/MAX Gateway, Reston, Herndon, Ashburn, Sterling, Fairfax - Herndon, VA
Realtors - Northern Virginia

Well written TJ..

the efort is worht it....we have already been "found" from our Localism posts. Google loves them. For inspiration check out Maine realtor Andrew Mooer's blog. He is amazing and a great read. 4 blog posts today alone

Feb 23, 2010 10:36 AM
Marc Baysek
Iron Horse Properties, LLC - Rockingham, NC
Iron Horse Properties

TJ, another important part of blogging is the "google juice".  Even if your blog isn't read and commented on, it can turn into a link to your website that developes a lead, and then is well worth the time.  It's all about your blog steering people to your website, then it really pays off....and is a chance to offer good info to others, and gather your own info as well

Feb 23, 2010 10:57 AM
Lisa Walston
Atlas Property Group and Abbey Church Properties - Greenwood, IN

Keep going...I'm convinced that it is an extremely useful tool. It's also fun. And right now every realtor I know could use a little fun!

Feb 23, 2010 11:12 AM
Geoff ONeill
John L. Scott Medford - Medford, OR

Don quit.  You will eventually get a featured Blog. It has to strike a nerve, and be posted at the right time. (like not on a Friday night).

Feb 23, 2010 11:17 AM
The Harris Team Experience & Knowledge
Thompson's Realty - Fountain Hills, AZ
Beyond A Real Estate License

Nancy thanks so much for your COMMENTS!

Steve and Jan, I'm going to hang in there

Lisa you are right about needing to have some fun, I think I am on my way

Geoff, you are my 5th comment, I'm thrilled

Marc you make some very good points about the Google Juice

Feb 23, 2010 11:35 AM