Today I am going to attend yet another "short sale" class. The thing that makes today's short sale class special is first its free and second they are givings us lunch. We Realtors like free lunches. Its one of the classes sponsored by our local title company. Guess they want to make sure we have one iota of an idea of how to handle a short sale. Did you know that many of the title companies now have a "short sale" department to help assist agents with the process.
When I took all the classes to become a licensed sales agent and even a licensed broker there was no such thing as a class on short sales. This should tell you I got my license before 2008. Since I am an exclusive buyer's agent in Fountain Hills, Arizona and I do not take listings why would I need to take another short sale class? After all don't the ins and outs of a short sale pretty much just pertain to sellers?
I suppose that is true for the most part. However just because I don't take listings, and we all know that most of them right now are short sales, does not mean I should not educate myself as much as I can with the inner workings of a short sale. My buyer needs to know that I know as much as the listing agent about the process he or she is about to get involved in when and if they make an offer on a short sale property.
I will tell you that each short sale class that I have gone to I have learned something new that has benefited me and my buyers. There really is no "free lunch" in our business when it comes to educating ourselves as much as possible about short sales. Short sales are here for the next couple of years, educating yourself as much as you can about them will only make you a better Realtor.