
Getting the home owner to follow through

Home Stager with Gomes Design

The business is starting to pick up.  I have had all consults.  Some of the houses are in great shape and just needed de-cluttering and rearranging of furniture.  The clients followed through.

But I have been getting homes that need to remove wall paper, and paint and I just get a flat out no.  I know if they only painted they could sell the house much quicker and possibly closer to asking. I always mention potential buyers are looking for fresh, well maintained ready to move into homes even if they plan on changing things.

Are you experiencing this as well.  Any suggestions so that I can convince these clients.

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Charlottesville Solutions
Charlottesville Solutions - Charlottesville, VA

Are you kidding? Sometimes I can not even get them to take out the trash.

I will be watching to see if you get any great responces because I could sure use some ideas.

Many times it takes a home to be on the market awhile before they get it...

all the best, Charles

Jul 19, 2007 11:54 AM
Kimberly Uksik
Independent - Pickering, ON
Home Stager - Durham, Toronto, On.

I have had this problem.  Some people are very resistant to change.  I try my best to educate them on the benefits of "following through" with my recommendations.  I show before and afters so they can see the impact even the smallest changes can make. 

Sometimes though, they still aren't willing to budge.  I don't think that there is much more you can do.  Just do you best to educate and if they are not willing move on.  You never know once their house has been on the market a while, they may come around.


Jul 19, 2007 10:54 PM
Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL

Oh Yeah Isabel, people are penny wise and pound foolish with their biggest investment.  They would rather lower the price than lift a finger to get the house in shape for a top dollar sale.  Sometimes I think it is just too mind boggling for them to comprehend the undertaking.  You might suggest they at least paint over the wallpaper, if its well stuck to the wall.  At least they wouldn't be looking at two major jobs.

Terry Haugen - STAGE it RIGHT!

Jul 20, 2007 10:39 AM
Cindy Richter
Interior Motiv Home Staging - Flower Mound, TX
IRIS Dallas, TX Home Stager
You might try telling them that you have all of the necessary resources for them.  A painter, tile, carpet etc.  I have had great luck doing this and sellers really find it helpful that they don't have to do the leg work themselves.  I too will be watching for good ideas!  Great post. 
Jul 20, 2007 12:45 PM