
Hollywood Florida Fencing Club

Real Estate Agent with London Foster Realty

Hollywood, Florida welcomes a FENCING CLUB!

Hollywood Florida Real Estate anounces Hollywood Florida Fencing Club, In The Hottest Real Estate Area, Close To Hollywood Beach, Florida

I ran into a client of mine, who is a prominent Fencing Coach. She was very excited with the opening of her new Fencing Club and School right in Down Town Hollywood, Florida.

Fencing is well known sport in Europe, but not quite so in the US. The history of fencing parallels the evolution of civilization, back from the days of ancient Egypt and Rome, to the barbaric Dark Ages, to the fast and elegant Renaissance, up to the modern, increasingly popular fencing of today. So, when I asked her what prompted her to start this Fencing Club, here's what she said: "I opened a club in Hollywood, Florida, with the intent to popularize this amazing sport to the US audiences. With the ever so increasing fitness awareness, the Americans are piling at the gyms burning those calories, getting fit and healthy. But, something is not quite there…The mind engaging and fun element, as well as the thrill and the satisfaction of competing and winning, completing the equation of "well-being", is not there. True, we can take up skiing, tennis, basketball etc…, but then comes the age element. We might be too old to achieve any results. And, here comes fencing: where anyone can start, learn, train, compete and achieve. It is not only fun, but conditions the body, burns calories, improves coordination, balance, but also greatly improves mental focus, agility, develops tactics and planning, and most importantly, everybody plays! From 5 years old to 105, fun, good health and spirit for all."

"Sounds good to me", I said and so I went to check out the new Fencing Club in Hollywood, Florida . It has been a while I had so much fun. As I was watching fencers in their sharp outfits, reminiscent of the Musketeers, yet somehow very cosmic and futuristic, I was amazed to see how many people actually packed up the hall!

For those of you who would like to learn more, here is her website: Hollywood Florida Fencing Club.The club is located in 2000 Harrison #7, Hollywood, FL 33020. I sure am excited that she brought this amazing sport Fencing, to us in Hollywood, Florida.

Kate Smith, Realtor®, ABR, CRS, E-Pro, TRC, LHM
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