
Help Prevent Twitter DM Attacks! Monitor Your Social Media and Change Those Passwords Often!

Real Estate Agent with GoGladiator Media
On today's "Coffee w/ Harrison" I talk about the current Twitter sp*am attacks and how you can help prevent it from happening to you! Make sure you monitor your accounts, and change your passwords monthly!

Monitor and protect yourself and your brand!


Harrison Painter

Social Media Campaign Manager

GoGladiator Media

(317) 871-1000

GoGladiator Media - Harrison Painter

Michael A. Caruso
Surterre Properties - Laguna Niguel, CA

It is interesting you posted this today because this week I have gotten an overwhelming amount of spam in my Twitter inbox. Thank you for the advice.

Feb 26, 2010 03:35 PM
the Chris & Lisa Grus Team
Premier Realty Exclusive - Saint Louis, MO
Thanks for the heads up!! I hardly ever log in directly to Twitter, so it was good to check. I'll keep looking for your updates.
Feb 26, 2010 06:45 PM
Harrison Painter
GoGladiator Media - Carmel, IN
New Media Consultant

Thanks Chris and Michael! Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Feb 26, 2010 07:15 PM