
Tips To Dramatically Increase Your Homes Desirability For Buyers

Real Estate Agent with Twin Oaks Realty, Inc.

This is a "short" list to be continued that was inspired by Tai DeSa's post of 50 Inexpensive Tips to Dramatically Increase the Value of Your Properties. Since he allowed for re-blogging I am copying some in a different order as I have thought of them while showing homes in this new market.


Tip #1:   Powerwash the exterior of the home. Road dust builds up under overehangs and coverings and mold, moss, or insects (think Asian "lady bugs") may accumulate on your siding. By powerwashing you'll made your house that much more inviting from the street. The Buyers instant thoughts about neglect of maintenance may cause them to pass it by or at best to think, "There must be other things wrong, they may just need to get rid of it and will take a low offer.".

Tip #2:  Do some basic landscaping, particularly in the front yard.  The front yard is the first thing that potential Buyers see, so don't miss out on your chance to pique their interest. Prospective buyers often make up their minds about your home as they walk the first 10 feet from their car to your front door. A junky yard makes them think "neglected maintenance".  Remember, you are always attracted to the most well kept and best designed yards in your neighborhood. Straighten up the lawn edges, freshen by adding some color spots or a striking shrub for impact. Mulch is inexpensive so use it to clean up those shrub and flower beds.   

Tip #3:   Give the front door a facelift or get a new door.  Preferably in a complementary but bold color. Chose one that says, "Look at me!".  Also install a new doorknob that emphasizes sturdiness and class. Remember, when the Homebuyer drives up and is waiting to get in, they are observing your front door and the area around it. If it looks dull, nicked and scratched and poorly maintained they will again think of what else has been neglected.

Tip #4:  Make sure every light bulb in the house works. Always make sure every light bulb works and that you use the highest wattage that is safe in  your fixtures. If the prospective Buyer can't see your place, then you can't expect them to like your place. When people see lamps and fixtures with one bulb working but two or three burned out they will think you don't maintain your home well and will worry about other deferred maintenance. Also consider slightly pink-tinted or full spectrum "natural" light bulbs to create a warm glow for your home.

Tip #5: Clean, Clean, Clean!  Once the potential Buyer walks through your front door, they should be wowed by how it sparkles and shines. A sparkling clean home simply screams that it's been properly maintained. Even if you clean regularly, chances are, there are things you don't notice because you live there. You might even consider spending some extra money to bring in some professionals to help with a thorough cleaning. A good window cleaning will surprise your with a "new look".

Tip #6:  Get rid of clutter.  Space sells and even the home with the most square footage can look cramped and crowded. If you have clutter, don't stuff it in your closets, or your basement, or your garage (like I have).  Throw it out or rent some storage space. Prospective Buyers should not feel hemmed in because of all the boxes you have laying around or those old rickety chairs you can't quite seem to discard.

Tip #7:  Get rid of odors.  Pet odors, smoking odors, strong cooking odors; all are a turn off when Buyers step into your home. There are excellent cleaning and odor clearing products available. Use them.  Air freshners work to set a mood but can be over powering so choose freshners that have a fresh, clean scent. You might even try placing fresh scented dryer fabric sheets in the air return and set the fan to "on". This way, air is always flowing through the venting system and pulling the scents throughout the house. Just be careful, there is one brand that has a very heavy, what I think is "sickly sweet" scent that you might want to avoid.

Tip #8:  Brighten up rooms with new paint.  This one is obvious but many people still don't do it (or do it properly). New paint may be one of the most effective dollar-for-dollar value enhancers. It's something you can hire done or do it yourself if you have time. Choose stylish, neutral colors for most rooms but don't be afraid to use some contrast or bolder color on an occasional wall to creat style. Watch a few episodes of HGTV's shows on designing to sell and don't go crazy with wild colors. You might even consider painting walls and trim complementary colors. Of course, don't forget, if you live in Minnesota where I am, we love our natural woods.

Tip #9:  Modernize That Kitchen.  This is the Hub of the House, it's Heart, the place where family and often friends tend to gather. Brighten the cabinets (car wax or Murphy's Oil Soap can work wonders on the wood) by cleaning or painting and update the hardware (knobs & hinges). Add a new faucet or light fixtures to rejuvenate the space or change the window coverings for a more modern feel. Be sure the appliances are clean and it they are outdated this is a place where money well spend can help your bottom line. Don't forget the countertops. It they are outdated as well, this is another place where money spent is money Well Spent.

Tip #10:  Shampoo your carpets.  Yes, I know, people like new carpet for obvious reasons. However, we can't always afford to buy new carpet, again for obvious reasons. Rent a carpet cleaning vacuum or hire a carpet cleaning service. The proper detergent and equipment can get rid of old stains and make odors disappear.  Do you know that the hardwood floors under your carpet or in good condition?  If so consider taking up that dirty, stained carpet and leaving the hardwood floors exposed.

In my next installment we will take a look at what to do with those hardwood floors. For now, make note of the few things I have listed and be prepared for more as there are about 50 Hints/Tips all together. Not all of the tips will increase the VALUE but they will ALL INCREASE THE DESIRABILITY!