What is the best way to use these sites, all input will be greatly appreciated.
Steve 860-913-7323
What is the best way to use these sites, all input will be greatly appreciated.
Steve 860-913-7323
Write content that is consumer geared...
Take a more professional picture for your profile if you want people to take you serious...
Write blogs that are relevant to Real Estate...
Use Active Rain as a support....Ask questions and answer others if you have the correct answer...
Use great titles that are "Catchy"
Write good content that benefits the community..
Use great pictures to capture a person's attention...
That should be a good start :)
All to be taken as constructive criticism...
Posting good information that people in general will read, what you might think is great information may not be so great to others, keeping the topic just to what you specialize in may not ne what others what to read
I'm not trying to insult you but one of the best ways to use these sites starts with professionalism.
I would update the photo.
Good luck to you.
I see you haven't posted in some time.... Things have changed at ActiveRain... Its a great social environment filled with industry knowledge and connections from around the world, stop by you might like what you see !!!!