The numbers are in for January, 484 existing single family homes were sold by real estate agents, which compares to 408 in January 2009, a gain of 18.63%. The median price of these homes climbed to $160,000 vs. $152,250 in January 2009, a gain of 5.09%.
Nationally the increase is only 8.6% for the same period and a slight decrease in median sales price to 163,600. In the Northeast, sales increased 22.4% and the median price reached $245,300, a gain of 8.8 percent. Maine is doing better than the nation, but not as well as the rest of the Northeast.
In Cumberland County, the median sales price measured in sales from November 2008 - January 2009 compared with November 2009 - January 2010 remained stable at $220,000, the only county to record a median sales price above $200,000. In contrast Aroostook and Piscataquis Counties came in at just $75,000.
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