The city of Burleson released it's Comprehensive Plan on the 25th of Feb. It contains two parts. First is a general plan to prepare the city for the growth that is coming to our town. The second is a plan for the State Highway 174 Corridor. I'll address that later.
It has 20 goals for implementation. They are:
Goal 1: Promote diverse land use options
- Great idea and it is important that we make the City flow well from one area to the next
Goal 2: Promote cultural venues in the City
- I'd like to see more cultural events in Burleson. We need to develope venues that will support all aspects of the arts.
Goal 3: Promote parks and open space conservation
- The plan calls for 30% of land area in the City to be parks or open spaces. Would that require some right of way acquisition?
Goal 4: Promote additional shopping, dining, and entertainment opportunities by developing focus areas
- In my opinion, this is an absolute must. The Old Town area needs to really pop and become a draw. I would be nice to incorporate some cultural venues in this area. Maybe a community theater? Also, the TOD needs to be a hip, vibrant area to draw in people. I know they are planning mixed use buildings in this area. Right now the Encore apartment complex is the only thing I know they have approved. I'd like to see some buildings with commercial spaces on the bottom and some residential lofts-condos on the top.
Goal 5: Promote a multi‐modal street network that is pleasant and safe for pedestrians and bicyclists
- This will be a challenge in my opinion. We already have enough street issues and the city of not pedestrian friendly right now. It would be nice to be able to
Goal 6: Promote pedestrian friendly street designs and developments
Goal 7: Promote a variety of public transit options
- It would be nice to make sure the train station in the TOD links Cleburne to Granbury and Fort Worth. That would be a great trip.
Goal 8: Promote context sensitive street design concepts
Goal 9: Promote an enhanced physical environment in residential neighborhoods
- Another must have. This will really make Burleson a great place to live. I'd like to see this happen without a cookie cutter look though
Goal 10: Promote social sustainability in residential neighborhoods
- Basically what they are trying to achieve here is that the City is designed to enhance personal relationships between the residents. Its important to keep the "small town feel" as we continue to grow
Goal 11: Promote open space conservation
- This is a nice idea, but it infringes on private property rights. We have some great public areas where the creeks run. I'd like to see these areas maintained and enhanced. We don't live in Colorado or Hawaii, and let's be real, unless you are on a huge ranch in the Hill Country, our area isn't much majestic in any sense of the word. Let's find a way to use those areas for the public park system.
Goal 12: Sustainable built environment
- Another must for us as we grow. Concrete equals heat and in the Texas summers, we need to keep energy usage down and make it possible for plants and grasses to thrive.
Goal 13: Storm water management
- This is going to require great communication between the Public Works department, City Engineers and Transportation departments. A good storm water management system will protect public property and keep the City clean

Goal 14: Reduce air pollution
Goal 15: Promote a strategic economic development program in Burleson
- Another must. We are going to have to pay for all of this somehow and I don't see the City operating any flouishing for profit companies. It's time we market ourselves as a player in the Metroplex.
Goal 16: Promote a diverse and viable economic base through a diverse and aesthetically pleasing built environment
- This is important for first impressions as visitors come here and for companies looking for homes for their offices and employees
Goal 17: Promote a proactive retention and recruitment process
Goal 18: Promote the importance of education/work force training to economic development.
- If you don't know, BISD is having some real problems with their budget. We seem to have the bond money to build as we grow, but we need the operational budget to increase as well. I feel we need to be able to recruit teachers to the district with a strong pay plan and quality administration. Then we can concentrate on secondary education, but now I feel BISD is being neglected.
Goal 19: Promote a built environment that incorporates identification elements to create a unique image and a sense of place
- We need to follow the examples of some other cities in the metroplex like McKinney or Grapevine when it comes to image.
Goal 20: Promote an aesthetically pleasing visual appearance in all elements of the City's physical appearance - individual buildings, neighborhoods and streets
All of these ideas will help to enhance the city and keep us viable as we grow. It's really important to you as a homeowner because it will have a direct impact on your property values. If we grow and prosper, your property will continue to increase in value, but if we neglect the tsunami of people we have coming our way and don't adjust to the future, your biggest investment is in trouble. Come to the public hearing on Monday April 5th to voice your opinion on the next 20 years of your city's future. Click here to see the city's website and review the entire Comprehensive plan.