Sure signs of Spring are popping up. We will have more cold but the sun is shining brighter and longer. I'm giving a special shout out to my real estate buds across the land. New England friends have endured a fairly strong winter. Other East Coasters have perhaps seen a winter like no other, a special tip of the hat to Ed in D.C. getting 4 or 5 FOOT of snow is certainly a feat. JA must be clairvoyant...she moved from Denver to Pensacola (how did she know to do that?)
On the other end of the spectrum (and continent) Maggie in Vancouver certainly must think Al Gore is right on the money. As her city prepared to host the world they did everything right except Mother Nature really pulled a fast one.
The sign of spring I speak of tonight is not the usual sprouts of tulips or hosta. It is that my pantry contains The Spring Oreo Cookies...the ones with yellow filling.