Too many times companies look for the cheapest way to advertise. They don't tie in their corporate message with the advertising medium they choose. Sometimes a print ad or radio ad is used. This creates a very short term call-to-action. Once the paper or magazine has expired or the radio ad ends, the message is generally forgotten.
By placing a much needed or desired product in the hands of prospective customers is the best way to inspire a conversation and long term rememberance of a company. Offering a promotional product that few people generally acquire but that people wish they had when when they need it, is a valuable promotional ite.
Promotional roadside emergergency kits and promotional car booster cables help promote your company and can make getting back in the road faster. Custom printed auto safety kits fit at all budgets. You never know when a car glass break tool, or promotional and custom printed car booster cables will come in handy. These personalized emergency kits have your logo on them.
Another inexpensive yet long term advertising item is an imprinted tire pressure gauge. Properly inflating your tires with promotional tire pressure gauges can safe wear on tires.
Many people unfortunately do not equip their cars with these basic auto tool kits.
When a company is looking for long term advertising, think of the number of years these auto safety kits are kept. A company can tie in the safety awareness and preparedness aspect of these tool kits and their company.
A company looking to gain long term advertising of their products and services should figure the amount of times a visual impression is made of promotional roadside emergency tool kits over the years and figure the low cost-per-impression of these valuable auto tool kits.
Having a tool as simple as booster cables in ones car can mean the difference of being stranded for hours or getting back on the road quickly. The experience is sure to be be talked about for a long time to come including how they came to acquire the promotional booster cable set.
Look for promotional products distributors for these custom printed emergency tool kits and booster cables.
EXP Realty 414-525-0563 - Brookfield, WI
WI Real Estate Agents - Luxury - Divorce
In a former life, I was a distributor.....and at the very least, start with a calendar and grow your collection from there...imprinted reminders are the best !
Feb 28, 2010 10:48 PM
Alpharetta, GA
Home Design and Real Estate
This is a great idea John! Maybe give them to all past clients and family members.
Feb 28, 2010 10:53 PM
WEDO Real Estate and Beyond, LLC - Phoenix, AZ
Investor , Mentor, GRI, Radio, CIPS, REOs, ABR
Thanks for sharing inexpensive ways of promoting ones business. We all need a little help
Feb 28, 2010 10:56 PM