
Need Photo secrets

Home Stager with Transistional Designs, LLC

We took these before and after pictures on a vacant house we recently staged.  The house looks great!  The pictures, not so much!  The rooms were small, so it was very difficult to get far enough back to get a good shot.  The pictures seem so dark, but if I turned on the lights, the light blew out the shot.  Please take a look and let me know what you think.  As I said this was our first vacant home, and we found it had definite ups and downs!  This house had been on the market for over 12 months before the owner hired us.  We had barely completed the staging on Sunday when the owner received their first offer!

 The living/dining room combo had a GIANT 70s style ceiling fan.  When you walked in the front door, it was the only thing you saw.  Because the house is small, the buyers missed the beautiful hardwood floors.  We replaced the ceiling fan with a new light fixture.

Living/Dining Before                    Living/Dining After

 The kitchen was extremely white.  White metal cabinets, white countertops and white floor.  The only color in the room was a very dark border.  By using bright colors lower in the room, we were able to detract from the border and make the room feel warmer.  It needed personality!

 Kitchen Before                        Kitchen After

 The bathroom has blue and white striped wallpaper.  We brought in natural soft colors to tone down the blue and soften the room.  It now feels relaxing instead of jarring!

 Bathroom Before                 Bathroom after   Bathrroom after 2   

The basemet probably presented our largest obstacle.  It had the largest open space of the house and a great wood burning stove and bar.  But, when you opened the door, it smelled stale and musty from an old water leak that had been fixed, but never thoroughly cleaned.  We were able to get rid of the smell and really utilize the space.  Many potential buyers had commented on the water issue in the basement.  After we finished, the smell and sight were completely gone!

 Basement Before                Basement After          

Basement Before 2                     Basement After 2

Thanks for looking!!   I appreciate any feedback.


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Sheron Cardin
California Moods Inc - Selma, CA
ARTIST - A Home Stager/Sellers Best Friend!
Hi Amanda - I am in the same boat as you. There is a photography group you can read and ask questions that would be very helpful. A lot of rainers have nailed this issue and share freely.
Jul 23, 2007 01:45 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario
Hi Amanda,  I just purchased the Panasonic TZ3 camera which is a wide angle digital.  You can get much more of the room into a photo which makes a big difference.  I'm just experimenting at the moment on lighting, because I have also found some of my shots are too bright.  Sometimes I seem to get a better photo with the flash turned off if all of the lights are on.  When I photograph a room I take pictures both ways (with and without flash) just in case.  I could use some tips too.  I guess I better look at the photography group.   
Jul 24, 2007 02:15 AM
Amanda Woodall
Transistional Designs, LLC - O'Fallon, IL
Transitional Designs, LLC
Thanks for the great tip!  I didn't know about the photography group.  I will definitely check it out.  I also am experimenting with lighting and think flash off usually works better.  The wide angle lens is a good idea.  I think that is definitely part of the problem when working in small spaces!
Jul 24, 2007 06:25 AM