
Beautiful Sunset At Little Harbor In Ruskin, Florida

Industry Observer with No longer practicing real estate as of 2008.

Tonight me and my mom went to Little Harbor in Ruskin to eat dinner and watch the sun set.  We ate at the Sunset Grill.  Dinner was good, the music was great and the sunset was fantastic.

After dinner, we sat on the beach and watched the kids play in the water and the sun set.  Hope you enjoy the photos below.  The sun set was beautiful.  This is why I love living in Florida!

If you haven't had a chance to go to the Sunset Grill at Little Harbor in Ruskin, you really should go check it out some time.  Or if you're looking for a weekend getaway, Little Harbor might be the place for you to get away and relax.

Little Harbor is located off Shell Point Rd. in Ruskin.  Click here to view a map and get directions.

*The above information and images are Copyright © 2007 Becky Troutt and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed or published.  All rights reserved.  Plagiarism will be detected and is punishable by law.
