15 Meals Under $5 plus a Saint Patrick's Day Coupon.
Free Biscuit with Sausage Gravy until March 15th, 2010 at Waffle House! You have to follow the link and print the coupon. http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001aqj1QInodGSOT13OqkM79Swt7SfCeYLeApsJl-ME2Q5ZW8P_3z73AqwNB-QkTB2WgK3mNRUmmFeJ4J0lbwIiDzW5t8idWRlthVG7nhl-y-YaeZLPrhK5PrBHVbkTMDqMX0jc1w3hsirQALdZycU2ljnXbMpGnWnWj-EHMXRORnv0kSPkMbe9wuikSJcXnViZVLaAP1sd0RwoYd8tCzw0gsU7gdr-F4a8ZE_uC6My9qctPye1Dx-fEqvHXgJIl2LOXGLBPQCg7dgSMEdufjmIHg%3D%3D
This takes you to the Saint Patrick's Day page where they are also offering St. Patty's Day e-Cards! I didn't know about the Valentines Day special so I want to make sure more people know about this. By the Way: Saint Patrick's Day is my Birthday!!