Why is it that some real estate agents call you about your listing, BEG you to accept their clients offer and when their offer gets accepted (because it was the strongest), they withdrawal the very next day? Do these agents not realize that they're burning bridges with other agents they may potentially have to contact in the future?
This business is about building relationships, not only with potential clients but real estate agents as well. I know times are extremely competitive, but when you're out with your buyer writing mulitple offers simultaneously praying that one will get accepted, that might work. But be ready for more than one to get accepted. Now you have to backtrack and ask your buyer which one they REALLY want. Well, why were you writing offers on homes they REALLY DIDN'T want in the first place? What's going to happen with the other accepted offers? After begging, you now have to send out the withdrawal of offer and your credibility is tarnished.
I know everyone has those buyers that want to write a bunch of offers, and like I said it could work, but who's the professional? We have to do what's in the best interest of our client and at the same time not jeopardize our reputation. I've had several offers accepted just because of my reputation. The listing agent knows that I qualify my buyers (not referring to pre-qualifying through a lender) and when I submit an offer my buyers will see it through until they get the keys. When real estate agents "cry wolf" what incentive is there for that listing agent to ever work with them again? They'd be subjecting their seller to an agent that can't deliver based on past experiences.
Bottom line, I will go to bat for anyone of my clients because I ask questions and listen. Yes, I do explain that my reputation is on the line when we write offers because after their happy in their home I'm still in the business working with the same real estate agents. I have not had one buyer not work with me because of this. They appreciated the fact and only wrote offers on homes they REALLY wanted.