When I offer my online training to companies and managers, the comments I hear over and over are:
"My agents won't attend training." "Most of them are inactive." "I can't get a third of them to even show up for meetings." "Half of them haven't had a transaction in months." "They just won't watch a training video." "Most aren't technical enough to watch things online." "I haven't seen many of them lately." "Most of them won't even open the emails we send."
Do you not see a problem here?! WHY, WHY do you keep these people!? Why? What is the point? They are sucking your will to live.
It is time to FIRE somebody. It's time to fire a LOT of somebodies! NOW. They're not helping....and you're not helping by keeping them. They drag you down, steal your time and prevent you from training your real agents or hiring more.
Your current agents will cheer you for doing this. The public will be better served. Everybody wins.
Here's how to do it. Invite them to your office, or if they're MIA, call them up and say: "I'm going to ask you to leave the company and I'd like to tell you why." They're fired before they sit down. This may not sound compassionate...but it is. More compassionate than keeping them in a position that isn't right for them.
Just think of the joy and peace of having them gone. Ahhhhhh, you know you want to. No go, do it. Do it now. Call me and tell me how it felt.
David Knox