
Please, fire somebody!

Education & Training with David Knox Productions, Inc.

When I offer my online training to companies and managers, the comments I hear over and over are:

"My agents won't attend training." "Most of them are inactive." "I can't get a third of them to even show up for meetings." "Half of them haven't had a transaction in months." "They just won't watch a training video." "Most aren't technical enough to watch things online." "I haven't seen many of them lately." "Most of them won't even open the emails we send."

Do you not see a problem here?! WHY, WHY do you keep these people!? Why? What is the point? They are sucking your will to live.

It is time to FIRE somebody. It's time to fire a LOT of somebodies! NOW. They're not helping....and you're not helping by keeping them. They drag you down, steal your time and prevent you from training your real agents or hiring more.

Your current agents will cheer you for doing this. The public will be better served. Everybody wins.

Here's how to do it. Invite them to your office, or if they're MIA, call them up and say: "I'm going to ask you to leave the company and I'd like to tell you why." They're fired before they sit down. This may not sound compassionate...but it is. More compassionate than keeping them in a position that isn't right for them.

Just think of the joy and peace of having them gone. Ahhhhhh, you know you want to. No go, do it. Do it now. Call me and tell me how it felt.

David Knox


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David, in a world of independent contractors some broker/owners assume that more warm bodies are better than less.  Our profession has a significant image problem, however, and it's all about professionalism.  Treating this like a "real job," keeping clients' needs first, and committing to constant education are vital elements.  And yes, daily life for those brokers (and the rest of us) will improve immediately when unprofessional deadwood is eliminated.

Mar 04, 2010 12:07 PM
Bill Morris
RE/MAX Capital City - Austin, TX

David, I dislike comments "without attribution," and since I wasn't logged in when I sent the comment above no source was identified.  So ... to repeat:

In a world of independent contractors some broker/owners assume that more warm bodies are better than less.  Our profession has a significant image problem, however, and it's all about professionalism.  Treating this like a "real job," keeping clients' needs first, and committing to constant education are vital elements.  And yes, daily life for those brokers (and the rest of us) will improve immediately when unprofessional deadwood is eliminated.

Mar 04, 2010 12:10 PM
Tom Davis
Harrington ERA,DE Homes For Sale, $$ Save $$ Buy Today ! - Dover, DE
FREE Delaware Homes Search!, $$ Save $$ - Find Homes! Delaware Realtor


I agree some should be fired and I think that some really want to better theirself and their business, I think the broker should look hard at who they think has the potential and let go of the ones that don' they can focus on growing the few instead of the 105!  It might shrink to an office of 15-24 but hey... I think it is much more productive and beneficial then letting the company crush itself!

My office had 2 locations close in the last year... Seaford, DE and Smyrna , DE... and now my Dover, DE office they are basically shrinking that as of today!  Yikes!  Well I see how the company is re-aligning itself and preparing for the worst but it doesn't have to be that way if more is focused on helping the agents who want the success of reaching for the stars! 

I admire my office but don't agree with everything that has been going on... Brokers should determine how many agents they can help and go for it!  For real , real!  Their is so much talent available to brokers if they reach out and train the agents who want it and let go of the ones that don't!  That's production just waiting to happen! 

Anyway I'm a fan of all your stuff... personally can't wait to invest in the full Mentor Series when I can!  I  have almost all of the Real Estate Live Series and it really rocks!! 

I've been in business for about 4 years now and I always wish I had viewed all those videos when I first started!  I'm glad I invested in my future!  Thanks!

Tom Davis

Mar 09, 2010 03:44 PM
David Knox
David Knox Productions, Inc. - Minneapolis, MN

Tom, Thank you for your comments. Maybe we can get this business weeded out! Thanks for being a fan of our training materials. We've posted them all in our new online training site. Go to:

Mar 21, 2010 05:25 AM
Tom Davis
Harrington ERA,DE Homes For Sale, $$ Save $$ Buy Today ! - Dover, DE
FREE Delaware Homes Search!, $$ Save $$ - Find Homes! Delaware Realtor

Hi David,

No problem!  Maybe!  Well Your Welcome and I will be sure to check out your new online training site.


Tom Davis

Apr 09, 2010 04:08 PM