
Plymouth Minnesota Market Activity Report

Real Estate Agent with Twin Oaks Realty, Inc.

Plymouth, Minnesota: Money Magazine #1 Place to live in 2008/2009 continues to be the same place with the same excellent parks, trails, excellent mix of business and residential that were what made it the selection of choice. Plymouth continues to be a vibrant suburb of Minneapolis with easy access to downtown as well as the Airport and Mall Of America. All in all, Plymouth is a Great Place to Com Home!

Hopefully this Market Report will be helpful for you in making decisions regarding any possible moves you may have planned. For further market information, such as what the sales activity in the neighborhood around your home you may request a Free Market Snapshot. Whether you plan to move now or a year from now, this will keep you up to date on the market in your area at whatever intervals you are interested in receiving that information.

Now for the End of Year Market Report:   The number of listings in Plymouth dropped again from 2008, the previous year, although the number of homes sold is up by 5.8% the percent of Original List  price received has dropped over the year and the number of days on the market is up slightly. All in all, Plymouth has weathed the economic down turn fairly well.  January 2009 to January 2010 showed an increase in Average Sales Price in Plymouth of 3.2% which seems encouraging. The February report should be out soon and we will see if that trend continues or if Plymouth goes the way of a large part of the rest of the country.

 Plymouth Market Statistics




New Listings




Closed Sales




Average Sales Price




Percent of Original List Price Received at Sale*




Average Days On Market Until Sale* 




*Does not take into account time on the market or list price from previous listing contracts.

*Based on data from the Minneapolis Association of Realtors and data reported by the Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc.

If you are buying, selling or relocating to the Minneapolis/St paul, Minnesota area and need help from a professional REALTOR®, give me a call or text at 612-867-4510, call toll free at 1(800) 397-6658 or e-mail me: I specialize in single family homes and lakeshore properties in the north and west Twin Cities metro area including Plymouth, Maple Grove, Corcoran, Orono, Rogers, Lake Minnetonka Area and all communities in the Wayzata and Robbinsdaricts in Minnesota.