As I have mentioned in previous posts, this is my fourth market. Throughout the various stages of my wifes education we have moved from city to city and each time I must start building my business from scratch. As I have only sold in each city for a few years my focus has always been on the immediate sale. I did not put any effort into maintaining a relationship with my client. While working with them I know I worked hard and did my best for them, but our relationship ended when the transaction closed. I have never had repeat business.
Three and a half years ago I met the family of a young woman moving to London, ON. She was beginning her university education at the University of Western Ontario and they were considering the possibility of purchasing her a condo. I assisted them in the purchase of a $130,000 condo, explained the convenience of public transit from this location to the school etc. etc. I have never thought of them since the day that condo closed. In fact, I had completely forgotten about them.
Move forward three and a half years. I now live in Oshawa, ON, 250 km from London. I am with Re/Max when I was with Century 21 in London. I have a new website, email, phone number, city, everything. Yesterday I received a page from my new office with a name and number. I immediately call the number and a vaguely familiar voice explains that Samantha will be finishing her education next month and that they want to sell the condo. I said, "That's great, but how did you find me here?"
They explained that they were very happy with the service they received almost four years ago. They remembered my sons name and what my wife was studying. They remembered me. This family that I had forgotten, had formed a relationship with me. A relationship so strong that when told I don't work at that office anymore they asked which office I was with. When told that I no longer sell in London they asked then in which city does he sell? They were told that I am no longer with C21 and no one could tell them where I they found me.
That is the best testimonial I have ever received and it has taught me a powerful lesson in maintaining relationships.
To the family that is the subject of this post, I am sorry for forgetting you. I am humbled by your loyalty to me and I promise to learn from the lesson you have taught me about the power of relationships. Thank you for remembering me, trusting me and mostly, for allowing me to refer you to another great agent in London.