One of my most biggest suprises when I moved to Southwest Florida was the price of home owner insurances. The two significant exposures for homes in Southwest Flroida is flooding and hurricanes. Home owner insurance prices are reflected with quotes my clients receive from the insurance companies. As a real estaet professional, I am always trying to save my clients money anywhere I can and insurance is one of those areas.
I have been able to save my clients up to 40% on their hurricane insurance premiums with a wind mitigation inspection. The wind mitigation inspecation can be done any one of the several companies in Southwest Florida and cost between $150 - $250, whcih normally can be saved in the first year of insurance premiums.
The process is pretty simple and can be compared to a normal home inspection, but with a wind mitigation inspection the inspector will review the structural components of the home that qualify for discount credits and will usually suggest improvements that will give you additional credits.
In Florida, insurance providers are required to provide discounts, credits, other rate differntials, or other reductions in deductables for residential properties where construction methods that have been shown to reduce loss caused by windstorms are employed according to Flrodia Statue 627.0629.
Some of the construction methods include hurrican shutters, hurricane glass windows, roof covering types, wall construction type, roof to wall connections and gable end bracing. Another feature that some homes have that will provide insurance discounts is a second water resistance on the roofing.
Don't pay more than you have to for insurance!