
FREE SERVICE TO HOMROWNERS!!! Save Thousands of Dollars On Your Home Mortagage!!

Mortgage and Lending with

As a authorized distributor for some special software, with benefits that are amazing. The software is FREE and the service is FREE, that  allows them to; *Save thousands of dollars without refinancing, *Cut years off their mortgage without increasing their payment, *Build equity in their home 300% faster, *turn their current mortgage into an investment program, * Audit their Loan automatically to find lender mistakes which occur 50% of the time according to the FDIC. All this is FREE, FREE software, FREE service. By changing your monthly mortgage to a Bi-weekly mortgage you will find all of the benefits and more. Budgeting Bi-weekly has been proven to be easier than trying to budget monthly, especially for homeowners on a tight budget. We service many homeowners who, on a monthly budget, could not accumulate any additional funds to be applied to their mortgage. However, budgeting Bi-weekly allows them to accumulate these funds without even realizing it. It is more subconscious than financial because most people are paid Bi-weekly. As a result, trying to budget monthly is the worst way for them, especially with a mortgage payment. It is much easier to figure two or three small amounts into a budget more often than trying to figure a larger one-time amount into a budget.