What is your product?
As I travel the country speaking to Realtors® about branding and marketing, I find that this is one of the most important questions that must be asked. Agents will say “homes” or “service” or “peace of mind” or “trust” . We can all pretty much agree that in any business, our primary goal is to market our product. And the true answer is, the product…is ME.
Let’s face it. All things being equal, people do business with people they like. And more importantly, all things NOT being equal, people STILL do business with people they like! There is a reason why my wife drives 20 miles to see her doctor, or why I pass no less than 10 dry cleaners on the way to MY dry cleaner. We form relationships, trust, and confidence in PEOPLE. It’s the human element. The thread that holds us together as a society. How can having a better understanding of this impact the way you run your business? How can it impact the way you communicate with your customers? How does the consumer…your target audience…perceive YOU and your BRAND?
It is our responsibility to present ourselves in such a way that our audience is emotionally connected to us, and would choose us over anybody else. This should be conveyed in the way that we speak, our attire, our sales process, our advertising and marketing, our follow up, our values, our culture.
This is relevant for ALL of us. Whether you are a student, a teacher, an hourly employee, a manager, or a business owner, it matters. A college admissions officer can look at grades and transcripts, which is important, but will “buy” the person applying. I can go to 5 stores and find the same LCD TV, but one salesperson can make a difference. It will be the one who conveys the message, “ You can buy this TV down the road for $2700, but you are buying ME for $3,000. I’m throwing in the TV for free”.
Take a few minutes to think about YOUR product. No doubt, you believe your product is incredibly valuable. How well are you communicating this value to your target audience? Spending some time working on this will help you to leap past your competition and to realize a steady flow of customers choosing YOU over any other.
Play to Win,
Coach Jig