
Redesign .......its so much fun!

Home Stager with HomeStagingLG


This room was clean & organized but lacked personality and wasn't inviting.  It was situated in the basement of the home and felt very dark and dull.

Spare room in basement


With just a redesign using what was on site, it now looks fabulous and it has been taken out of the 'dark ages'.   Here's a secret.....just flip over the existing comforter and chances are you will find a solid, neutral colour underneath.  Thats what we did here.

Spare room in basement - AFTER


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Cari Anderson
Danville, CA

OMG - that's amazing! You didn't even notice the floor before! I also like how you opened the windows to let some light in. Doesn't even look like a basement room now.

Mar 12, 2010 04:36 AM
Michelle King
Home Harmony - Kirkland, QC

Louise, you gals always do such a good job. And often simplest is best. well done.

Mar 17, 2010 12:17 AM