
How to Boat Where the Fish Go in Florence Oregon: Docks, Wharves, Water Sport Stuctures, Oh My!

Real Estate Agent with Home Finders SVC Real Estate, Florence, OR



How to Go Where the Fish Go in Florence Oreogon:  I attended a seminar put on by the Oregon Department of State Lands this week and learned a lot about wetlands, submerged and submersible land and structures on them.  Turns out, folks must register boat docks, floats, boat houses, floating cabins, water sport structures, revetments, attenuators and retaining walls that are on state-owned submerged and submersible land.  Whew!  That was sure a mouthful.  The state has a way with words, doesn't it?  Here's the easy skinny:  A water sport structure includes water ski buoys, jumps and ramps; kayak race gates and so forth.  The cost of registration ranges from $125 to $350 depending on the structure and its size. The registration must be renewed every 5 years.  You have to submit the names and addresses of your neighbors, those owning riparian land within 200 feet of your structure, along with their comments for and against with your application.  The department may deny your registration if your neighbor has a legitimate bone to pick with you, for example, that your dock interferes with their fishing or recreation.  The state won't deny you if the neighbor doesn't like the color you picked, however.  If your dock gets washed away, you can replace it with the same size and use structure.  You can't make it bigger or change the location or way it was used.  Gaming the system is "no win."  You can even submit a registration for a structure that is shared with your neighbor, including a floating recreational cabin.  If you need more info, take a look at www.oregonstatelands.usFlorence Oregon has some 18 lakes plus the Siuslaw River, and the mighty Pacific beyond, all full of fish and fun to boat and float and have a home on.  I have a pamphlet which describes all the lakes and the types of fish they have along with a photo of each lake.  I can send you a copy by snail mail or better yet, take a look at the pamphlet on my website,  Wondering about the photo?  It's the beautiful Florence harbor, marina and boardwalk. 

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Pat Champion
John Roberts Realty - Eustis, FL
Call the "CHAMPION" for all your real estate needs

What a beautiful picture an awesome view! Thanks for sharing this picture.

Mar 12, 2010 08:11 AM
Hope MacManus
Home Finders SVC Real Estate, Florence, OR - Florence, OR

Hi Pat!  Thanks for the comment.  My office buddy took this photo and indeed it's beautiful but not as beautiful as the real deal.  Course, I'm sorta' biased.  I call Florence Paradise on the Pacific. 

Mar 12, 2010 09:00 AM