
Open Houses - Market Must or Market Bust

Home Stager with Transistional Designs, LLC

The effectiveness of open houses has long been debated.  Personally, I believe that an Agents Open House is an excellent tool for the home seller and their agent.  Even if the agent doesn't have a buyer at the moment, the perfect owner could become their next client, and an elegantly staged home will stand out among the competition.

It seems to me that the Agents Caravan is one of the best ways to achieve the broadest (and cheapest!) coverage of your home.  The agents have weekly meetings where they talk about their clients and houses.  They suggest homes to each other based on client needs.  How can they or why would they suggest a home they have never seen?   I understand that an open house is a tremendous amount of work.  They are however a great way for Stagers to shine and really bring a value added service to realtors.  We offer an Open House service for realtors where we will go in before an open house and make sure the house is truly show ready.   This is a huge time saver for agents, and they can put their efforts more into marketing. 

I just read an article suggesting that the days of Open Houses have passed.  With the availability of easily accessed pictures and video online, many agents and sellers don't belive it's effective to hold an open houses.   However, buying a house is an emotional purchase for any buyer.  Looking at pictures or video can never take the place of standing in the house and using all five senses to connect.  I think the Open House may be the most powerful marketing tool available.  By showing a beautifully staged home at an agents open house the seller is showing the home to hundreds of potential buyers.

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Lori Kim Polk
Premiere Home Staging : Home Staging Services - Roseville, CA
Home Stager - Roseville, Sacramento
Internet pictures are very important... but they entice you to look at the home.  I don't know how people can buy a home off the Internet without actually seeing it in person, but they have. Open houses allow the buyers to "feel" the home.  I have a hard time believing that Open Houses are a thing of the past.. when many buyers "buy" on feeling.
Jul 23, 2007 06:18 PM
Margaret Ann Innis
Decorate To Sell - Merrimack Valley Real Estate Staging - Andover, MA
Real Estate Staging - MA & NH
All real estate is local - what is the trend in the local market?  
Jul 23, 2007 11:23 PM
Amanda Woodall
Transistional Designs, LLC - O'Fallon, IL
Transitional Designs, LLC

Lori - I agree with you completely.

 Margaret - It seems as though realtors and sellers in my area are doing open houses because they "have to".  There is no enthusiasm in the open house, nor any belief that anything positive will come from it.  

Jul 23, 2007 11:53 PM
Susan Smith
Rooms That Work LLC - Sandy Hook, CT

I believe an open house should be a party!  Play some music, serve some non-messy snacks, show some enthusiasm!  For the realtor, it's a great way to prospect for new clients.  I agree that broker's open houses are probably more effective in selling a home, and showcasing staging. But that should be a party too! Just like w/public speaking...the host should be three times as enthusiastic as the audience.  It's contagious! (Ok, now I need another cup of java...!)

Jul 24, 2007 01:41 AM
Margaret Ann Innis
Decorate To Sell - Merrimack Valley Real Estate Staging - Andover, MA
Real Estate Staging - MA & NH

Hi Amanda - I hear you!  The odds of selling a house at open house are 10:1.  And they are a placebo for the home seller. 

Susan's comment for a party shows how energy (feng shui, too) can make a difference. 

Jul 24, 2007 01:46 AM
Amanda Woodall
Transistional Designs, LLC - O'Fallon, IL
Transitional Designs, LLC
I couldn't agree more.  Open houses should be fun for everyone.  If a potential buyer is in the house, they are more likely to write an offer if they feel comfortable and at ease!!!
Jul 24, 2007 06:27 AM