
We Are in The Age of Social Media!

Reblogger Joel Kruse
Services for Real Estate Pros with Handle My Media LLC


This is a blog I wrote a while ago about how we are in the age of social media!  Enjoy!


Original content by Joel Kruse

The Age of Social Media

Social Media Types

The Age of Social Media has changed the way we think, how we communicate, and how we function.  Now instead of Emailing, we Text.  And instead of texting, we tweet, so that a large audience can be reached in just seconds.  Imagine if a highly acclaimed restaruant reviewer who had a HUGE following on twitter (say most people in the area who eat food) went to your business, ate your food, and because the food was bad and service wasn't great tweeted about it, and within 10 seconds the 20,000 people who got the message were told to pass over your restaurant?  That could shut your business down!  As a business, we thrive on sales, on business, and on a positive reputation. 


Social Media ConceptBecause of the Age of Social Media, we are reverting back to the doing business the old fashioned way, by word of mouth referrals and suggestions.  Back in the 1800's you went to a store because someone said it was a great place to shop, get a hair cut, or buy that fancy new automobile.  The price was right, the service was excellent, and the product was fantastic.  Because of Socal Media, blogging, twitter, and messaging to your sphere of influence can have a drastically postitive or negative effect on whatever you choose to write about, endorse your name on, or slander.

The way agents and professionals are taking advantage of ActiveRain is through blogging.  Your blogging is an extension of your knowledge and experience as as real estate professional.  Without a voice on the internet, you are just another person in the sea of possibilities for potential customers.  Blogging gives you that voice, and if written properly, can let your voice be heard in the search engines like google, yahoo, and bing, and let you stand out, increasing your visiblity and increasing your business.  Your able to do this as a Rainmaker on ActiveRain.  If you're not a Rainmaker, we offer training and a trial here at ActiveRain so you can learn how to blog, and appear on the first page of google organically through your blog content!

At our recent raincamp, we showed this video for all our guests, depicting how the Age of Social Media has changed the way our world functions.  It certainly has changed the real estate industry!  This video will open up your eyes to how powerful social media has become.  And the fact that you're part of ActiveRain, means that you're in step with this.  Watch this and enjoy!


Joel Kruse

Member Services

ActiveRain Corp.

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Posted by

Joel Kruse


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Loren Keim
Century 21 Keim - Allentown, PA
Great information!
Mar 15, 2010 02:52 PM
David Northup
David Northup - Aim RE Group Inc, Temecula Realtors® (AIM) - Murrieta, CA


Congrats on your first post and welcome to the Rain!

Take a minute to check out this group and this Official Blog post Active Rain Community Resources . They should help get you on your way.

To get the most out of your AR experience remeber the following:

  • To accumulate points on AR your post must be 50 words or more
  • "Long Tail keywords" & Tags will get you more "Google juice"
  • Be sure to post to appropriate channels, categories, groups, etc.
  • Have Fun!!

All the best.


Mar 16, 2010 08:25 AM