
Caught Between the Generations...Help!

Home Stager with Capital Style Home Staging

As a designer for 26 years, and a stager for one, I've found myself drawn into the "Senior Market".  I've helped move my grandmother, mother (alzheimers), sister's mother in law (pic's), and now clients.  I am a loving person, and very dedicated to the service of others, yet I'm concerned about two things:

1.  Moving the Senior that is deeply connected to their home, who would rather not move or downsize, but are "required to" by grown children.  Complicating this are rooms stuffed full of things they no longer need, but aren't yet ready to jettison.

2.  Being sympathetic and patient with the trauma of the distruption without becoming too involved or overly emotional, right along with them.

Thoughts, Oh Wise Ones?




Brian Schulman
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Lancaster PA - Lancaster, PA
Lancaster County PA RealEstate Expert 717-951-5552
Jaynee, it sounds like you already have some understanding of seniors' needs.  Seniors, like everyone else, need to feel like they're in control of their lives.  It may take them longer to accept the inevitable about their situations.  Make sure that you're not seen as trying to rush them into anything.  If they see you as their consultant, and not as a representative of their younger family members, you'll enlist their support.
Jul 24, 2007 12:35 AM
Tina Maraj
RE/MAX One - Fullerton, CA
Celebrating 30 Years of Real Estate Sales

Hey Jaynee,

You appear to have a lot of passion. I am sure potential clients of all ages will appreciate your work! Thanks  for commenting on my blog.

Jul 24, 2007 01:57 AM
Sharon Kreighbaum
Staged Makeovers - Hudson, OH
All staging clients require a great deal of compassion and respect.  I have found that when working with seniors they need reassurance that this is just another phase of life and a positive one at that.  I try to suggest giving most items to loved ones who would appreciate the sentimentality.  Most seniors are downsizing to a much smaller space and have accummulated so many memories with their possessions that I suggest taking a picture of the item and then giving it away to someone who would cherish it.
Jul 24, 2007 03:54 AM
Julia Maher
Nestings: Connecticut Home Staging and Model Homes - Fairfield, CT
Connecticut Home Stager

Sharon has a great idea!  You could take the pictures yourself and create an album to give the client as a "gift. 

I had to "downsize" my Dad (Alzheimers, too - my heart goes out to you, Jaynee) and it really made a difference in his behavior once he was surrounded by his things, rather than the facilities'.  When we moved my Mom, she was very distraught about losing all her things.  I pointed out that now she didn't have to live with all the stuff my Dad liked that she never did - she could now decorate her way and only keep the  "best of the best".  That idea really brightened her spirits!  Her home has never looked better, and she's very happy with it...although now she's bugging me to change her bedroom again!

Jul 24, 2007 07:51 AM