
Power in Making Adjustments

Education & Training with Knipe Realty NW

“Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.” Norman Vincent Peale

Over the years I have learned that the best made plans will need adjustments. There will always be unforeseen circumstances arising in your business, personal and spiritual goals. I have started several businesses and it has been very unusual when I didn't have to make adjustments.

The reason we have to adjust is, we don't always know all we need to know before we set out on a quest to reach a goal. We think we know what we're doing, but that is hardly ever the case. There is always something to tweak in order to increase production or responses, create more cash flow or enjoy a better result, etc.

Those who find it hard to think "outside the box" find us "what box?" kind of thinkers difficult to understand. I know people, like you do, who simply cannot adjust to changes. But change we must because there is no standing still. We are either going forward or backward. If not, then we are drying up and slowly dying.

At one time whale oil fueled our lighting fixtures. When was the last time you purchased whale oil? Better options came along and those in the whale oil business that couldn't, or wouldn't, change, found themselves in economic peril.

My grandfather used horses and horse drawn wagons as a means of transportation. But I haven't seen anyone in my lifetime riding a horse into town to visit his banker (no, I’ve not visited Amish country).

Change is a constant. You will have to make adjustments in your life to focus on reaching the success you want. In order to make the time you need, you may have to cut back on or even give up certain activities. The trick is to prioritize.

Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed and avoid negative thinkers (they will bring you down rather than you building them up). Build a master mind group of four or five people who are successful and can share positive ideas about your success interests. Most of all, don't resist change and the adjustments you have to make - embrace it and the adjustments.

Most change is out of your control. What you can control, however, is how you deal with change and the mental mindset that’s needed to succeed. You can view life with all its challenges as a wonderful treasure hunt. The question is, will you?

Now go make it a terrific day as you find power in adjusting to changing environments.

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Robert Laird
Laird Realty & Investments - Apache Junction, AZ
Robert Laird, Laird Realty & Investments

Don, this is a very excellent article for new and seasoned investors alike to carefully review the salient points and then utilize these concepts to maximize profits in their investments. 

Oct 05, 2010 02:59 PM