By now you have heard of Twitter. But many agents do not know how to use it to increase your search engine rankings for sites like Google! Well today is your lucky day because I am sharing 10 quick tips to optimize your SEO using Twitter. Here are some things you can do to improve your search engine rankings using your Twitter account. Twitter can be very powerful for your SEO (search engine optimization) because Google indexes (or tracks) all the "tweets" on Twitter in real time.
- Picking a User Name: For better results in search engines you should include the keyword that you want to rank high with. For example, if you want to be found as a local realtor use a combination of your area or region with realtor or real estate, such as alrealestate (for Alabama real estate).
- You can even add your title as Realtor to the end of your real name if you have enough room when you enter your account information
- Your Profile Picture: Before you upload your picture to your Twitter profile re-name it using the same keywords. This tags the picture and that is also indexed by Search Engines. If you have already uploaded your picture, simply re-save it with a new name using the keywords and upload it again.
- Tweet Keywords: Make sure that your tweets contains keywords and phrases that you want search engines to pick up.
- Also, make sure to occasionally use #hashtags. Search engines are already ranking these and this will also help people find you in Twitter search. To use a hashtag simply add the (#) before your keyword. Example #realtor
- Twitter Favorites with Keywords: Make sure that some of your favorite tweets contain keywords, key phrases and relevant links
- Include links to relevant posts for your keywords. Then your links. By Using a shortener like Tinyurl, search engines will recognize the links and rank them.
- Directories: This is probably the most important part of your Twitter SEO. Make sure that you are submitting your Twitter profile and RSS feeds to directories.
- Include Keywords in your Lists: When you create lists use keywords such as Realtor, Real Estate, etc.
- Re-Tweet Popular Posts that include your keywords. The more re-tweets a post gets the higher it's ranking will be. Including those type of posts by re-tweeting them will also help you.
Okay so there are your 10 quick tips to getting better rankings on Google and other search engines using Google! Hope you enjoyed it. If you did--please re-blog or share the link on Twitter : )
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