
Advanced City Planning

Real Estate Agent with Atlas Property Group and Abbey Church Properties

The City of Greenwood has now decided that it would be to limit access and to route traffic on the busy SR 135 corridor to service roads whenever possible. Well, duh!

Currently, one can exit and enter this major north/south artery via multiple access points: side streets, traffic signals, driveways, fast food drive throughs, etc. Yes, there are some turn lanes but not nearly enough. And yes, there are some sevice roads, but again, not nearly enough.

Now Greenwood, Indiana does not nearly have the traffic congestion of L.A., D.C., NYC, Chicago, or even the north side of Indianapolis. But during rush hour it is getting to be a real pain in the behind to get from one end of Greenwood to the other on this road. It is also getting more and more dangerous as people are trying to pull out and turn left against the traffic or stopping suddenly so they can turn into their favorite burger place.

And by the way, Saturday now constitutes rush hour as the soccer Mom's are out in full force in this suburban setting.

My question is, where was the planning when all of these businesses gained approval to build along this strip? Did no one think about traffic flow and growth?

I would urge all city planners to look critically at the concentration of businesses and subsequent traffic BEFORE there is a problem. Then perhap your community won't be in the situation that mine is in which is how do we retrofit existing properties to accommodate service roads.


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Evelyn Johnston
Friends & Neighbors Real Estate - Elkhart, IN
The People You Know, Like and Trust!

Well Lisa, that seems to be a major problem all over Indiana.  Here in Elkhart we have alot of roads that have more buildings than common sense dictates.

Mar 17, 2010 09:27 AM