Hi Bridget, I see this is your first post on Active Rain. Congratulations!! I just wanted to welcome you to our Real Estate Industry Network!
Welcome aboard, I hope you'll continue to blog, and invite others. Wishing you all the success this industry has to offer.
Below are some useful sites and groups you may want to visit right away:
Welcome Active Rain New Members
New Members - Getting Started
Before You Write Your First POST!!! and "5 Principles to Creating an Effective Post"
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Your Active Rain Community Resource Guide
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Points Breakdown
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Active Rain New Members Group - A MUST JOIN IF YOU ARE NEW!
It's A to Z for New Members!
Want Free Exposure with your Listings?
Post Your Listings on Active Rain
You can join any groups you have an interest in, or would like to learn more about. Maybe Target Marketing, Real Estate Technology, or you can search All Groups, there are hundreds to choose from.
I hope you'll find these to be useful tools in helping you get started here on Active Rain. You will meet many wonderful people here!! Again, welcome to Active Rain, the best place for your Blog!
Good Luck to you and your business!