
1/2 our days are spent on the road, but few know about an Amber Alert until after its over.

Reblogger Thomas Reid
Real Estate Agent with EXIT Realty Homeward Bound

Take the two minutes to read this and another two minutes to sign up... It could help save a life

Original content by Nick Setting

So here's the deal. When we're with clients we spend most of our time paying attention to them & the road. If our car stereos are on they're at such a low volume we barely hear them. When most of us are at work we're not listening to a radio or watching TV. When we read the news online it's for the Economy or the Market. We spend our time driving through neighborhoods, avoiding highways, and paying close attention to our surroundings. It's our job after all... But... What is the one thing we're always with in ear shot and never leaves our side? Our leash... Our technological link to the world... yes, our cell phones.

The first 3 hours of an Amber Alert are the most Critical. If we're going to be on the road a bazillion hours a year wouldn't it make sense to be the watchdogs of our communities as well? There is now a site dedicated to getting Amber Alerts to the masses with what has become as popular as an email but with faster delivery to the end user. Text Messages! It's easy, it's free even for people that don't have text plans, and it could save a child's life.

What if it were your child in the back of that SUV? No one wants to feel helpless in that situation... and no one wants to feel guilty when they later realize they were in an area on an Amber Alert and they could have possibly been the hero. Take the 60 seconds from your life to possibly give someone else the rest of their lives. I've even included the Privacy Policy Link for all those suspicious uber-paranoid "they want to spam me" people out there... They don't want your kidneys, your email, a sample of your blood, or the last four digits of your social security. They just want a minute of your time when it really counts to save a child.


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Wireless Amber Alerts

Nick Setting, Realtor®
Coldwell Banker Bain
6565 Kimball Dr., Suite 101 | Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Mobile 360-340-0231| Office 253-853-2226 | Toll Free 800-900-1207
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