Here are 6 Ways to Not Be "Just Another Listing"

I was totally distracted by the gum in your mouth for this video. You may want to consider not chewing gum for the next one....
HA! Totally forgot about that! Thanks for the reminder...
Secretly happy that's your only criticism! :-)
Well, I am falling over....long time since you have visited us here in the rain.
Take care, love ya Todd.
Todd --- Nice content. Might think about getting a tripod for the camera....bit shakey. :-)
I totally need to pull the trigger on doing some of these myself...
Thanks for the comment Clint!
Yeah, still looking for that "sweet spot" in the office for these vids...
Good topic for a video! My only recommendation to make the video better besides what's already been posted is to back up the camera a little so the screen shows more than just your head. It's a little too close up and when your name is up, it covers your mouth. Otherwise, great job!