Mortgage Planning
So today marked two days in a row that I got to the office and realized I had left my glasses at home. TWO DAYS in a row!!! Now either that means my senility has progressed or perhaps the time change is the culprit or WAIT............could it be Two Days in a row I ALMOST had it together...I was ALMOST PREPARED.
It reminded me of what has been happening in our Industry as of know with all the new regulations, tightened credit standards, yada, yada, yada, it is so crucial that everyone be prepared. An educated Realtor and consumer are prepared and will be the ones who make it to closing. And that closing just may not occur as planned but nonetheless it WILL occur! A Mortgage Planner can help!
Make no mistake, it ain't easy. But those of us Mortgage Planners still standing are doing so because we are passionate about doing what is right and are chosen(yall like that choice of words? thought so) to provide guidance and clarity to folks who know not what they don't know. I repeat .....folks don't know what they don't know! That can take both the Realtor and the Consumer down the wrong path in the fork of the road. It is imperative that we work closer together than ever to educate borrowers how to succeed smoothly.
It is so important that Mortgage Planners have sufficient time to research the best resource for financing to match the credit and collateral profile of the purchaser as well as the Lender Appetite for lending. Consumer's who plan to finance their purchase are most likely making a good financial decision. With fixed rates around 4.75%, their Effective Percentage Rate (EPR) could be in the mid 3% range......who can argue at borrowing OPM. I mean really, any knowledgeable Financial Advisor will beat that over time. BTW, if you know any who u consider a 10, I would luv to learn from them. Should u want to have a 10 in your team, I can help you there as well! Ronny Tanner of Hand and Tanner in Beaufort is well respected, honest and as he says he spends more time "managing emotions than money" but he will get you an honest return!
Back to mortgages! Ok so heres the one should be even thinking about purchasing or negotiating a contract until they have met with a Mortgage Planner. Money is tight and Mortgage Planners will help you work towards making the transaction approvable prior to presenting an offer. As a Mortgage Planner, I have to know ALL the facts to pull the strategy together. It is surprising how many details are left out that could blow a transaction. As a Mortgage Planner, it is my role to understand all the facts and present available solutions that will not only meet the consumer's financial plan but be approvable as well. We can help both the Realtor and Purchaser develop the offer around the approvable loan strategy.
Education leads to prepardness and an understanding of the process to obtain financing in this environment. The knowledge of how to wrap a financing strategy around a property is the key to closed transactions. For more information contact Mortgage Planner, Ann Marie Jenkins can be reached at 843 342-4900 or