Before sharing 3 ways to use location based twitter marketing in your business, here are some basic Twitter strategies to get you started:

1. Post Some Interesting Things Going on In Your Life people are interested in learning more about you as a person. Constantly posting business related content is boring and will not attract people to you.
2. Target your market by searching for your niche area find and follow people of interest that you can learn and grow from in your niche market.
3. Join Professional Social Networking Sites like Active Rain and find the Twitter groups and write a blurb about yourself. People that are interested will follow you.
4. Post a question with a poll of course your poll will be on your website or blog but let everyone know that you have a poll.
5. Ask for help or direction in an area where you need clarification people love to share their experience and knowledge to help others.
6. Don't just tweet, get involved with conversations it may seem awkward at times but join in and respond to tweets. The more involved you are, the more friends that you will establish. This relationship building will turn into referrals and business over time.
7. Review your followers and decide if you want to follow them back some people may unfollow you if they feel you aren't responsive or engaged. You don't have to follow everyone but it's a great idea to follow the ones that you feel would be a great asset to your knowledge base.

8. Sign up for to help with automation you can pre-schedule tweets throughout the day and respond when you are available. It is very important to use technology to leverage your results. You can also update your Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook profile, Facebook page status with this application. Follow the instructions on this post & this post.
9. Post your Twitter link in your social networking sites such as Facebook (has an application that automatically shows all of your Twitter updates), LinkedIn, Active Rain etc.
10. Search for a big name/successful person in your niche market go to their followers list and start following them. Most of these people can be potential customers that are looking for more information. You can follow a max of 2000 people until 2000 people are following YOU. Then you can get past the 2000 follower mark.

11. Go to add your user information and find new people to follow by category. There are a lot of people on Twitter that follow people back automatically as a courtesy. You can determine who does this looking by at their following/follower counts.
If the following count is very low, they are more selective and don't follow people back. If the following / follower count is equal or not much disparity in the difference, this is a good sign that they will follow you back and learn more about you.
Many people do not want to hear about rates all of the time. However, they do love to hear about what is going on in their community which leads into my 3 ways to utilize location based twitter marketing.

1. Share events and interesting news going on in your local community.I have created another twitter account @SCVBreakingNews which shares local events and city news. It is possible to setup feeds from local new sites and event websites to post automatic tweets. The people that follow you are local contacts that can be potential clients. It is not necessary to setup two different accounts but this just gives you an idea of how to draw in a local crowd.
2. Find local new friends by using Demand Spotwhich is a site that connects you to local people that are tweeting about finding a new home. It also helps you with finding, messaging and managing new leads. This is a excellent way to find new people that are looking for exactly what you have to offer them.
3. Discover new relationships by using Local Tweepswhich is another great site to connect with local people. It is very important that you engage with these prospective clients in meaningful dialogue that positions you as their trusted advisor. One of the best ways to grow your following and influence with Twitter is by providing great content in your specific expertise.
The combination of these Twitter tips and location based twitter marketing strategies have helped my Twitter following to grow to over 12,000 followers. If you would like to learn more social media strategies using LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress blogging or Active Rain, be sure to contact me and I will be happy to help guide you in your social media marketing plan. Let us know in the comments which social media network that you would like to learn more about in marketing your business.