Is Andrew Cuomo - New Yorks esteemed Attorney General overstepping his authority and the spirit of Capitalism?
by Michael Strong
Advantage Real Estate Professionals
Not only has Mr. Cuomo helped to facilitate socialized appraisal in the now slumping real estate market, but he now has come out in support of violating contractual agreements made by businesses such as AIG, whom recently paid (under contractual obligation!!) large bonuses to their upper management team.
First New York now the seat of the Federal Government and is it the position of the US that all businesses should now be
under the strict control of a more than moderate liberal strictly New York based Andrew Cuomo?
The appraisal agreement (which I will call socializing appraisal) would allow for only 3rd party selection of the appraiser for any loan arrangement other than those issued by the FHA. Whom rightly are asking for a dual appraisal by independent appraisers in declining markets, instead of the communist or socialist plan of putting the power of selection into the hands of a new ruling power, also known as management companies. What the public is unaware of in this case is that many of the so called independent, non-partisan management companies such as LSI are in many cases much worse in terms of requirements, pressure and outright labor violations than any of the mortgage lenders including Countrywide.
When is enough, enough. Are we going to allow for the socialization of the mortgage industry? If so, what is next. We are entering a difficult time in America and the last thing we need is for the powers that be to begin the socialization of the free market. Let the survival of the fittest occur and put in jail those players (such as Pennymacs new CEO) who have violated the public trust in a much more dangerous scheme than Maddof ever conceived, because they not only violate the public trust, but do so with the backing of people like the much esteemed Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.
Solutions Real Estate - Phoenix, AZ
Thank you for the post. I always learn something for an Active Rain post.
Mar 19, 2010 05:18 AM