So Spring is finally here. The Daffodils are blooming and the sun is shining in Atlanta, well at leat for today. I heard yesterday on the radio that Atlanta has had one of the worst winters in the country coming in at number 8.
But hold on, before you rush out to buy bedding plants consider this, today is forecast to be a balmy 72 degrees today, but Monday is going to be back to rain and a cool 45 degrees. I have heard it said "Do not plant outdoors until after Easter", many a year we have filled all of our planters with pretty flowers only to be hit by a late frost, end result being our flowers all died.
In stead if you feel like playing in the dirt today, how about aerating your lawn? There are 2 ways of doing this, the hard way and the easy way.
Hard way... Yes can you do it!! On the upside you get a great workout and buns of steel, imagine spending hours traipsing up and down in these wonders, are they kidding me, who on earth comes up with these ideas?
My preference would be to hire a lawn care expert, or rent an aerator from your local hardware store.
And don't forget, for a lush green lawn put on a pre-emergent, Weed and Feed in other words. The pre-emergent stops the weeds from germinating and establishing in your lawn.
So if you can contain your enthusiasm for a couple of weeks, Spring really should be here, (well at least in Atlanta), in about 2 more weeks.