So far, a majority of my business has been vacant stagings so I am still mastering my system for occupied consultations. I read that many stagers offer their clients a written plan within 24 hours. On my first occupied consultation, I immediatly went home and typed up what we had discussed in the meeting. After taking 2 hours to put it together, I decided this would not work for me. I know that other stagers have the homeowner take notes. I tried that on the following consultation but the homeowner got distracted by the discussion and was having a hard time taking notes. I knew I had to come up with a better solution.
I have been using a hand held recorder to keep track of my mileage. I keep it in my car and say the mileage, time and reason everytime I make a stop. I type it into an Excel spread sheet after a day or two. Then, I had an epiphany, I could use a recorder on my consulations! I went to RadioShack and found a recorder that had a USB port so that I can upload the audio files directly into my computer. I then e-mailed it to the client along with the generic list of "Staging To Do's". I also put a graphic header with my company logo in the e-mail. I tried it for the first time last week and it worked out very well.
Maybe many of you already do this but I just discovered it and I wanted to share this time saving idea. I found this recorder which happened to be discontinued but the average price is about $50.