
First Thursdays on South Congress - Austin Texas

Real Estate Agent with Sky Realty South Austin

South Austin RealtorThere is always so much to do in Austin. If you are ever headed toward boredom in this city, there is something seriously wrong with you. There is no excuse. We have buses that are free, bike lanes specifically for your riding pleasure, walking and running trails, cabs, trains, automobiles and even a “bike rickshaw”, that’s right, you can hitch a ride on the back of a bicycle pulling a little cab, for lack of a better term, that will hold up to 4 people. What better way to tour Austin than being pulled on the back of a bike, hair blowing in the wind on a warm summer night….you get the idea.

Anyway, back to First Thursdays on South Congress…this is a South Austin tradition, dating back to I don’t know when, showcasing local talent, and no-talent, local artisans that are wonderfully talented, and those that may not be so much, but who cares? Everyone is out in the streets mingling with friends and making new ones, eating from the fabulous restaurants lining the streets and the air-streams that offer everything from sandwiches to ice cream and donuts.

Businesses along South Congress (known as SoCo) stay open late on First Thursday so that shoppers can pop in and add to their list of places to hit. Restaurants in the area often time offer specials for those looking to take a load off and sit down for a bit. But the big attraction are the vendor tents, tents line the streets with local vendors offering their wares and as you stroll through the maze you feel excitement in the air, mingled with the music which can only be experienced in Austin. Food, fun, shopping, music and culture...I love this town!

Brenda Starr, REALTOR
Sky Realty
(512) 940-3353

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South Austin Real Estate


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Andy Chaudoir
Professional Inspection Services - Georgetown, Texas - Georgetown, TX
Your Home Inspection Connection in Central Texas

Hello Brenda - I miss first Thursdays on SoCo.  Since we moved to Georgetown I feel like I miss out on all the cool things I did when living in Austin.

Mar 21, 2010 03:38 PM
South Austin Real Estate Blog
Sky Realty South Austin - Austin, TX

Andy come visit us - with all the toll roads you're so close!!!

Mar 22, 2010 07:42 AM