Are you purchasing an Automobile, Buying a home? Refinancing? Is your FICO score preventing you from moving forward, applying for, or qualifying for a loan?
Are you burdened by credit card or old student loan debt?
Many home buyers believe they will never enjoy the best mortgage rates , and often feel as though their real estate resources are exhausted.
If you can identify with the millions of potential home buyers in America who feel they cannot get the home of their dreams, you can identify with our clients, and we can identify with you.
We specialize in credit restoration, credit score counseling, and credit scoring solutions for consumers. Bad credit can happen to anyone, and it can happen quickly. Restoring your credit is a process.
With the proper help, you can get the home you want and the other financing you need. All you need is a plan.
By partnering with a credit expert, you can develop a personalized strategy designed for your personal needs.
At Gold Star Mortgage Financial Group in Grand Rapids, MI. we align ourselves with the BEST so that your dream of purchasing a home will become a reality.