Stapleton neighborhood market statistics 2009 and 2010, Denver, CO
Stapleton neighborhood market statistics and sales are off to a good start this year! There have been a total of 22 sales in the Stapleton neighborhood per MLS for 2010 with 14 of those being single family homes and 8 of those beings condos/townhome sales. Stapleton neighborhood market statistics show that the average price for 2010 is up, at $444,392 vs. an average sales price of $402,464 for 2009. It’s still early yet to predict what will happen this year, but we believe that the Stapleton neighborhood market has hit the bottom and we are on our way up! Interest rates are still at an all time low. The $8000 first time home buyer tax credit is continuing to stimulate the Stapleton neighborhood market statistics and the Denver market pushing buyers who would otherwise be waiting to enter the market.
The median home price according to the Stapleton neighborhood market statistics did fall from $657,500 in 2009 to $492,153 in 2010 but we believe this is due to the lack of large home sales thus far in the Stapleton neighborhood. The most expensive home sold this year was for $684,305 and there are currently only 6 homes actively listed in MLS above $800,000 in the Stapleton neighborhood. Another factor that we believe will stimulate the Stapleton neighborhood is the loosening of the jumbo loan market, we believe we will see more home sales above this price range as jumbo loans become easier to attain. Unfortunately, in 2009 there were only 10 homes sales over $800,000 out of the 243 sales in the Stapleton neighborhood.
76% of the home sales in Stapleton in 2009 were under $500,000. We are seeing this across the Denver real estate market due to more first time homebuyers taking advantage of the tax credit and FHA loans becoming such a viable option now that 100% financing is no longer available.
There are currently 195 active homes on the market in the Stapleton neighborhood priced between $114,900 for an affordable housing condo to a $1.249 million for the ultra high end home. There is something for everyone in the Stapleton neighborhood which is why I love living there. If you have any questions or would like to know more about Stapleton Real Estate or if you are looking to buy or sell a home in Stapleton, please feel free to call me at 720-280-3004 or check out my website at