
You May Qualify for the Tax Credit, But Is Your Credit Strong Enough to Qualify For the Home Loan?

Mortgage and Lending with First Priority Financial

You May Qualify for the Tax Credit, But Is Your Credit Strong Enough to Qualify For the Home Loan?

by Linda on December 1, 2009 Print This Post Print This Post


The newly-enacted Worker, Homeownership And Business Assistance Act Of 2009 has extended the tax credit of up to $8,000 for qualified first-time home buyers. The tax credit now applies to purchases occurring on or after January 1, 2009 and on or before April 30, 2010.  And in cases where a binding sales contract is signed by April 30, 2010, a home purchase completed by June 30, 2010 will qualify.

But Is Your Credit Strong Enough to Qualify For the Home Loan?

For many people, in terms of the tax system, there has never been a better time to purchase a new home! However, to take advantage of these credits which I will talk about in detail below, you'll need to make sure your credit reports and credit scores are strong enough to qualify for a new home loan.  For first-time homebuyers, who want to take advantage of this credit before April 30 2010, becoming proactive in strengthening your credit reports and credit scores is key. 

Here's a short list of what problematic credit reports and low credit scores can cost when it comes to a mortgage:

  • You May Never Own A Home AT ALL, AGAIN, Or FOR YEARS.  Whether or not you've always had poor credit, or have just suffered from the recent mortgage crisis, this is a very real possibility for individuals. If you have low scores or problematic reports, lenders will either deny you flat out or penalize you with such exorbitant rates that the outcome ranges from completely undesirable to impossible.
  • You Will Pay Higher Interest Rates. It just makes sense that if you have higher credit scores, you will pay a lower interest rate on your mortgage loan and will have to put less down.  Fair Isaac's consumer website at offers a mortgage payment calculator that is updated regularly to show consumers how their FICO score can affect their interest rate. 
  • Now You Will Be Subject To Loan Level Price Adjustment Fees (LLPA's) when applying for a conventional mortgage. Consumers with a middle score of less than 720 will now be charged an LLPA fee which was implemented by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in March of 2008.   For people experiencing the worst-case scenario, carrying a middle credit score of less than 639 could cost you an extra $9,000 upfront fee on a $300,000 loan amount.  Click here to see where your scores fall. 
  • You Will Pay More For Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI).  PMI is insurance that mortgage lenders require from most homebuyers who have less than a 20% down payment on their property. If your credit scores are marginal, your private mortgage insurance rate might be hundreds of dollars higher per month than you expect, and you usually don't find this out until closing.

So What Can You Do? Getting and Maintaining Strong Credit Scores

  1. My Free Special Report, Save Your Credit - Save Your Life is a great place to start! Click here to learn more.
  2. My Book, The Big Score - Getting It & Keeping It will give you the knowledge and the tools you need to Recover and Rebuild from any credit crisis. Even if you have great credit now, this book will help insure that it stays that way. Click here to learn more.
  3. Hire a Professional to help.  If your credit challenges are too much to handle on your own, consider hiring Credit Resource Corp. to help you reach your credit score goals.  Click here to read about how you can receive a free credit consultation from a CRC Specialist.

Let's Dig Into The Basics Of This Tax Credit A Little Further

The tax credit now applies to purchases occurring on or after January 1, 2009 and on or before April 30, 2010.  And in cases where a binding sales contract is signed by April 30, 2010, a home purchase completed by June 30, 2010 will qualify.

For purchases occurring after November 6, 2009, the Act establishes income limits of $125,000 for single taxpayers and $225,000 for married couples filing joint returns.

The income limits for sales occurring on or after January 1, 2009 and on or before November 6, 2009, are $75,000 for single taxpayers and $150,000 for married taxpayers filing joint returns.

Here are some basic FAQ's that will help you understand the full scope of how this credit works: (source:

Who is eligible to claim the $8,000 tax credit?
First-time home buyers purchasing any kind of home-new or resale-are eligible for the tax credit. To qualify for the tax credit, a home purchase must occur on or after January 1, 2009 and on or before April 30, 2010. For the purposes of the tax credit, the purchase date is the date when closing occurs and the title to the property transfers to the home owner.  The law also allows home sales occurring by June 30, 2010 to qualify, provided they are due to a binding sales contract in force on or before April 30, 2010.

What is the definition of a first-time home buyer?
The law defines "first-time home buyer" as a buyer who has not owned a principal residence during the three-year period prior to the purchase. For married taxpayers, the law tests the homeownership history of both the home buyer and his/her spouse.

For example, if you have not owned a home in the past three years but your spouse has owned a principal residence, neither you nor your spouse qualifies for the first-time home buyer tax credit. However, IRS Notice 2009-12 allows unmarried joint purchasers to allocate the credit amount to any buyer who qualifies as a first-time buyer, such as may occur if a parent jointly purchases a home with a son or daughter. Ownership of a vacation home or rental property not used as a principal residence does not disqualify a buyer as a first-time home buyer.

How is the amount of the tax credit determined?
The tax credit is equal to 10 percent of the home's purchase price up to a maximum of $8,000.

Are there any income limits for claiming the tax credit?
Yes. For sales occurring after November 6, 2009, the income limit for single taxpayers is $125,000; the limit is $225,000 for married taxpayers filing a joint return. The tax credit amount is reduced for buyers with a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) of more than $125,000 for single taxpayers and $225,000 for married taxpayers filing a joint return. The phase-out range for the tax credit program is equal to $20,000. That is, the tax credit amount is reduced to zero for taxpayers with MAGI of more than $145,000 (single) or $245,000 (married) and is reduced proportionally for taxpayers with MAGIs between these amounts.

The income limits for claiming the tax credit were raised when the tax credit was extended. Are the higher limits retroactive?
No. The new income limits are only applicable to purchases occurring after November 6, 2009.

The income limits for sales occurring on or after January 1, 2009 and on or before November 6, 2009 are $75,000 for single taxpayers and $150,000 for married couples filing jointly.

How is this home buyer tax credit different from the tax credit that Congress enacted in early 2009?
The tax credit's income limits were increased, the documentation requirements were tightened, and the program's deadlines were extended.

How do I claim the tax credit? Do I need to complete a form or application? Are there documentation requirements?
You claim the tax credit on your federal income tax return. Specifically, home buyers should complete IRS Form 5405 to determine their tax credit amount, and then claim this amount on line 67 of the 1040 income tax form for 2009 returns (line 69 of the 1040 income tax form for 2008 returns). No other applications are required, and no pre-approval is necessary. However, you will want to be sure that you qualify for the credit under the income limits and first-time home buyer tests. Note that you cannot claim the credit on Form 5405 for an intended purchase for some future date; it must be a completed purchase. Home buyers must attach a copy of their HUD-1 settlement form (closing statement) to Form 5405 as proof of the completed home purchase.

What types of homes will qualify for the tax credit?
Any home that will be used as a principal residence will qualify for the credit, provided the home is purchased for a price less than or equal to $800,000. This includes single-family detached homes, attached homes like townhouses and condominiums, manufactured homes (also known as mobile homes) and houseboats. The definition of principal residence is identical to the one used to determine whether you may qualify for the $250,000 / $500,000 capital gain tax exclusion for principal residences.

It is important to note that you cannot purchase a home from, among other family members, your ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc.), your lineal descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) or your spouse or your spouse's family members. Please consult with your tax advisor for more information. Also see IRS Form 5405.

Instead of buying a new home from a home builder, I hired a contractor to construct a home on a lot that I already own. Do I still qualify for the tax credit?
Yes. For the purposes of the home buyer tax credit, a principal residence that is constructed by the home owner is treated by the tax code as having been "purchased" on the date the owner first occupies the house. In this situation, the date of first occupancy must be on or after January 1, 2009 and on or before April 30, 2010 (or by June 30, 2010, provided a binding sales contract was in force by April, 30, 2010).

In contrast, for newly-constructed homes bought from a home builder, eligibility for the tax credit is determined by the settlement date.

I am not a U.S. citizen. Can I claim the tax credit?
Maybe. Anyone who is not a nonresident alien (as defined by the IRS), who has not owned a principal residence in the previous three years and who meets the income limits test may claim the tax credit for a qualified home purchase. The IRS provides a definition of "nonresident alien" in IRS Publication 519.

Is a tax credit the same as a tax deduction? No. A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in what the taxpayer owes. That means that a taxpayer who owes $8,000 in income taxes and who receives an $8,000 tax credit would owe nothing to the IRS.

Is there a way for a home buyer to access the money allocable to the credit sooner than waiting to file their 2009 or 2010 tax return?
Yes. Prospective home buyers who believe they qualify for the tax credit are permitted to reduce their income tax withholding. Reducing tax withholding (up to the amount of the credit) will enable the buyer to accumulate cash by raising his/her take home pay. This money can then be applied to the down payment.

Buyers should adjust their withholding amount on their W-4 via their employer or through their quarterly estimated tax payment. IRS Publication 919 contains rules and guidelines for income tax withholding. Prospective home buyers should note that if income tax withholding is reduced and the tax credit qualified purchase does not occur, then the individual would be liable for repayment to the IRS of income tax and possible interest charges and penalties.

In addition, rule changes made as part of the economic stimulus legislation allow home buyers to claim the tax credit and participate in a program financed by tax-exempt bonds. As a result, some state housing finance agencies have introduced programs that provide short-term second mortgage loans that may be used to fund a down payment. Prospective home buyers should check with their state housing finance agency to see if such a program is available in their community.

To date, 18 state agencies have announced tax credit assistance programs, and more are expected to follow suit. The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) has compiled a list of such programs, which can be found at

HUD is now allowing "monetization" of the tax credit. What does that mean?
It means that HUD allows buyers using FHA-insured mortgages to apply their anticipated tax credit toward their home purchase immediately rather than waiting until they file their 2009 or 2010 income taxes to receive a refund. These funds may be used for certain down payment and closing cost expenses.

Under HUD's guidelines, non-profits and FHA-approved lenders are allowed to give home buyers short-term loans of up to $8,000. The guidelines also allow government agencies, such as state housing finance agencies, to facilitate home sales by providing longer term loans secured by second mortgages.

Housing finance agencies and other government entities may also issue tax credit loans, which home buyers may use to satisfy the FHA 3.5 percent down payment requirement. In addition, approved FHA lenders can purchase a home buyer's anticipated tax credit to pay closing costs and down payment costs above the 3.5 percent down payment that is required for FHA-insured homes.

Read the HUD Mortgagee Letter here:

If I'm qualified for the tax credit and buy a home in 2009 (or 2010), can I apply the tax credit against my 2008 (or 2009) tax return?
Yes. The law allows taxpayers to choose ("elect") to treat qualified home purchases in 2009 (or 2010) as if the purchase occurred on December 31, 2008 (or if in 2010, December 31, 2009). This means that the previous year's income limit (MAGI) applies and the election accelerates when the credit can be claimed. A benefit of this election is that a home buyer in 2009 or 2010 will know their prior year MAGI with certainty, thereby helping the buyer know whether the income limit will reduce their credit amount.

Taxpayers buying a home who wish to claim it on their prior year tax return, but who have already submitted their tax return to the IRS, may file an amended return claiming the tax credit using Form 1040X. You should consult with a tax professional to determine how to arrange this.

For a home purchase in 2009 or 2010, can I choose whether to treat the purchase as occurring in the prior or present year, depending on in which year my credit amount is the largest?
Yes. If the applicable income phase-out would reduce your home buyer tax credit amount in the present year and a larger credit would be available using the prior year MAGI amounts, then you can choose the year that yields the largest credit amount.

In Conclusion

As always, I want to stress the importance of being proactive. There is no better time to take control of your credit than right now! If you continue to follow the basics of money management that have been applicable for years, keep track of your credit reports, and continue to do everything you can to bring your score up and keep it as high as possible, then you'll be in a strong place financially to take advantage of the tax credits available to homebuyers. If you need help, I'm always here to help you set your credit goals and implement a strategy to reach them!