There are many homes for rent and for sale in Mesa del Caballo, near Payson, AZ. Mesa del (for short) is a subdivision a little over 2 miles from Payson. To reach the subdivision go North on Beeline Hwy (Hwy 87- the primary street in Payson) to the North edge of town. Go through the roundabout (if you've never driven one of these it IS interesting) and then turn right on Houston Mesa Rd. About 2 miles out the road forks, with Mesa del to the left.
View Mesa del Caballo in a larger map
The subdivision is partly surrounded by Tonto National Forest, and from many homes on the edges of the subdivision one can just walk right out into the Forest.
Parts of Mesa del have gorgeous views of the Mogollan Rim- this photo is the view from a home which we have currently for rent.
The views on the way to Mesa del, looking towards Star Valley and Granite Dells, are amazing.
Caballo is Spanish for horse, so Mesa del Caballo is Horse Mesa. It also is one of the few places that allow horses on a city lot. With a home in Mesa del you can have your own caballo, one per lot. There are many horses throughout the subdivision, as well as miniature horses, and even llamas.
Homes for rent or for sale in Mesa del Caballo range from single-wide mobiles to double-wides to large site-built homes, with everything in between. Mesa del is known for somewhat of a rough and ready "Wild West" attitude- indepedence lives proud there. There is a Home Owners' Association, but they exercise little control over what an Owner does with his/her property. Mesa del IS somewhat prone to water shortages, especially in warm weather. Brooke is the name of the water company, and there are ongoing negotiations about the shortages. Here is a link to an article in the local newspaper, the Payson Roundup, detailing the water issues and possible solutions or help.
There are many homes for sale in Mesa del, and Prest Realty currently has two homes for rent there.
One is the "Green House", at 7818 Toya Vista. a cute, if small, site-built home painted apple green. It is 2 bedroom, 1 bath, nice tile in bathroom and kitchen. A large backyard backs to Tonto National Forest, and the view from the deck of the Mogollan Rim is really beautiful.
2 bedroom, 1 bath, laundry, deck, views, for $875
The other home for rent in Mesa del Caballo is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath single-wide manufactured home at 478 Paloma Vista. It has a wood fence on three sides, for privacy.
3 bedroom, 2 bath, for $650