
Where the rubber meets the road!!

Managing Real Estate Broker with Keller Williams Realty of the Palm Beaches

Good evening and my apologies for the long absence,

So I find myself in a unique position, that of the observer when so recently I was the observed. If I look back at my sales career and really break down how much income producing work I accomplished over the course of a year, its pathetic. I was frozen in education, perfection, and any excuse I could think of to not do the "Meat and Potatoes" of my job. LEAD GENERATE! Now as the Team Leader for a Keller Williams office I can see so many doing the same. Is it mind set? Is it drive? Is it the market? or is it just human nature? I want to share two things the saved my career, and my sanity.

I looked at my week and my goals were to get 2 listings, that is what I looked at was getting 2 listings, I WAS FOCUSED ON THE GOAL not the action to get there. Huge mistake! My career turned around the moment I started taking responsibility for my ACTIONS. I needed x number of listings, x number of appts to get those listings, and I had to make x number of contacts to get those appts. The minute I FOCUSED on the number of CALLS I needed to make everything else naturally fell into place. Another thing that hurt was the emotional battery a salesperson takes on. This brings me to number 2....

I remember looking at the phone and thinking, I'm terrible on the phone this FSBO, or Expired is going to think I'm an idiot, I'm not going to get the appointment, they are going to yell, what if I can't answer one of their questions.......well thank goodness none of that happened to me you know why??? BECAUSE I NEVER CALLED A SINGLE PERSON!!!! Sure it was safe and nice, but when my mortgage came due and I didn't have the money that was not safe or nice. Once I realized that it didn't matter what came from a call it became much easier to lift that telephone. If I can't answer a question, thats a perfect reason to call them back, if I sound like an least I sounded like something, and finally...... ooohh I didn't get the appointment....afterwards I never thought "If only I would have never contacted them, I would have the listing". The point is if I screwed up 50 calls in my city, and called them practice..I still have 207,950 people that I haven't called yet. When I make a recruiting call its the same thing, if I screw it up so bad that they never talk to me again so what I did my best, I learned from it and now I have 2,999 more prospects that I won't make that same mistake on.




Mike Jones
SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - Tucson, AZ
Mike Jones NMLS 223495
Brett, I like this blog so well that I copied it, pasted it into Microsoft Word, and mailed it to my son!  He's in a commission-only business in New Jersey, and is struggling with lead generation.  If Michael Dell had waited to create the perfect computer, with the perfect operating system and the perfect components, we would never have heard his name.  Much success to you!
Jul 25, 2007 01:07 PM