

Real Estate Agent with Kelly Kitchens Realty Group

Today when I ordered my coffee the server filled my mug with boiling water, dumped it and then hand dried it.  I used it to warm my hands before I filled it from one of their hotpots. It was a little thing but it gave me a warm-fuzzy. It's the same with those old fashioned milkshakes. They're mixed in those frosty stainless containers and there's always enough leftover for one happy refill. You might call it a cold-fuzzy but the point's the same - it's the little unexpected pleasantnesses that separate the good from the great.

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Peg Silloway
The Silloway Press - Beaverton, OR

It's always the small details and the small kindnesses that make the difference. I still recall a kind man who. when I said the standard, "How are you?" responded with a smile and "Better for having met you today." That made my whole day. Customers remember how we make them feel.

Mar 25, 2010 02:18 AM
Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
Keller Williams Realty Boise - Nampa, ID

That is a great warm fuzzy...I think it is important that we look for the little things to make us happy....they are out there!  

Mar 25, 2010 02:56 AM