
Am I the only one?

Home Stager with Capital Style Home Staging

who just "wonders" about my fellow AR'ers who use a symbol, graphic, or other "non photo" for marketing themselves on AR and elsewhere? 

I mean, really....I'm 50, with gray hair, bags under my eyes, a nose that's always bothered me, and teeth that could probably use whitening, but I possess the......gaul?  pride?  nerve? chutspah?  peloton? (its Tour de France season and my team's one of the few that hasn't been tossed for doping, so gimme a break, eh?) to post my own picture.  In fact, I posted a picture one of my kids took of me on the way to the grocery store.  How's that for guts?

So, I have to ask:  for those of you who use crayon sketches, watercolors, company logos, pictures of your kids, pets, or alien symbols, how bad can it be?  Are you missing body parts.  Are you beautiful but weren't oft-enough told?  Are you struggling to drop that pesky 10# and don't want the world to know? Dark roots?  Crooked smile?  Wayne Newton hair? Was your collar tucked inside your neck on one side?  Does your mouth do that scroochy thing when you smile like my mother's did?

Come!  If it's THAT bad, you don't have to SHOW us, but, hey....we're friends.  At least you can TELL us what's bothering you.



Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL
Ummmmmmm Jaynee, could it be because some of us actually don't have pictures of ourselves other than our drivers license and passport?  Personally I don't think a picture is important.  Its what we have to say, not what we look like.
Jul 28, 2007 02:49 PM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Terry:  A thousand apologies for not responding sooner....somehow I dropped this thread.  I agree with you that philosophy, character and message are key to choosing business partners, but there's something about a photo that's comforting to most people, IMHO.  When I receive a particularly warm or funny, or faithful or snide comment, I usually go right to the photo of the sender.  This helps me connect with the message, because, as we know, the written word is so often mis-interpreted.  I don't need to see you to think you're awesome, but it took me a little longer to KNOW that you were!

Cheers, from DC!


Sep 04, 2007 05:34 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Sandra, I agree completely.  In the days of phone-only communication, we at least had a voice, a pentameter, a tone, etc., to which to cling.  Keyboard strokes can only say so much!  So sorry for my radio silence; I somehow completely dropped this thread!

Cheers, to you and to cameras, from DC!


Sep 04, 2007 05:37 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Char, and Kath, leen/lene:  So sorry not to respond earlier, but I somehow lost this whole thread.  Bad Jaynee. 

Thanks for stopping by, and I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

Cheers, from DC!


Sep 04, 2007 05:38 AM
Susie Larsen
Susie Larsen Photography - Pocatello, ID
East Idaho Real Estate Photographer

Ahhh, you got me! I am a spud!

 I don't have a photo of just me; I keep thinking I am going to take one- being an aspiring photographer, I should have a photo!!! I know. I am pretty new, and I just don't have a photo of myself to post, yet. I'll get on that, though.


Sep 04, 2007 11:29 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Susie...I love the spud as your mascot, but suggest to you that clients want to connect a personal with a business message.  Few things do that as quickly or effectively as photography. 

I've always despised photos of myself....I think all the parts of my face move independently from one another or something - it's just weird.  I've had those hollywood head shots taken.  Yuk.  The hands down favorite is my Active Rain shot that my son took (why? none of us can remember) on the way to the grocery store last summer.  I actually have a new favorite, taken a few weeks ago, but I don't think it's a good business shot.  I'm laughing and have a margarita in my hand. this.  It contains my wishes that you experiment with photography...for YOU and your business...until you find a moment that captures and reflects your true business "self".

Cheers, from DC!


Sep 05, 2007 12:50 AM
Amber Langston
I know I know....been meaning on putting my photo on this - but the last really decent photo I have of myself was a few years ago at my wedding. I mean don't get me those pics, but they are not really good for this. :) I will post one soon. Ha! You have just inspired me. Thanks Jaynee!
Sep 05, 2007 07:06 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Come on, Amber....Stage your AR site with your photo!  Throw that personality in there, just like you do with those cold vacant houses!  Hope you're staying dry; I just saw the weather for Arkansas.  Whew!

Thanks for visiting....and Cheers, from DC!


Sep 05, 2007 07:44 AM
Amber Langston
:) I know! I am so behind. AND NO....AM NOT STAYING DRY! I had a fun-filled morning before meeting a potential soaked AND muddy (dealing with my dogs)!!! We've been wanting rain here in Arkansas for a month or so....well, we got it! :) 
Sep 05, 2007 07:49 AM
James Downing - Metro DC Houses Team REALTORS®, CRS, GRI, ABR,MRP, MilRes
Real Living | At Home - Washington, DC
When Looking to Buy or Sell - Make the Right Move
And if you do scare yourself in the mirror - there is always photoshop!  Heck - If agents can use it to "enhance" their pictures of their dreary listings; why not lose 10# and fix what ever your heart desires!
Sep 05, 2007 08:32 AM
Toronto's 2 Hounds Design: Decorating + Staging
2 Hounds Design + Home Staging - Toronto, ON

I love this post!

I am terrible with names so having a face helps me to remember who they are and their take on things.

Sep 05, 2007 09:28 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Whoo hoo, James.  Leave it to the only (I believe) male in the conversation to worry so much about his appearance.  Now, I'm curious and the suspense is killing me!

Not only do some of those Realtors use photoshop to enhance the dreary listings, but they use reverse time lapse photography, spandex, auto body putty, hair gel, mascara, spray paint, and teeth whitening to look 75 years younger on their business card than they are in person.  One of the first Realtors with whom I ever met waved to me as they pulled into the client's driveway.  Naturally, I had gone to their website to check them out.  Then they got out of the car.  I sure hope I had my poker face on, because what my brain said was "Who are you and why did you eat my Realtor."  I got the job, so I must have only thought that.

Cheers, from DC!


Sep 05, 2007 01:59 PM
Toronto's 2 Hounds Design: Decorating + Staging
2 Hounds Design + Home Staging - Toronto, ON

Oh my god Jaynee that is too funny!

My husband and the crew he works with are only aware of one Realtor in Durham her little photo for listings and open houses in the local paper, her boobs are front and centre!

Now, why won't he pay for me to get a pair?!

Sep 06, 2007 03:18 PM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Hey, Dane.....I guess we all do what works.  I recently read a link (sorry can't remember which) in which this Realtor who wasn't doing very well began to brand "The Handsome Man".  What the heck that has to do with professional competence is beyond me, but apparently it worked.  Folks remember him.  In the case of your Durham Realtor, they'll remember HER....or THEM!

Baa haa haa, thanks for sharing, and Cheers! from DC...



Sep 09, 2007 07:40 AM
Amber Langston
Jaynee- just because you asked- I have now "staged" my AR site with my photo. :)
Oct 04, 2007 08:43 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Amber, your photo is SO ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!  It's the BEST, and I can't wait for you to let us all know about the reactions this new photo receives.  Congratulations on taking another step to promote and nurture your business!

Three cheers for Amber:  Hip Hip HOORAY, Hip Hip HOORAY, Hip Hip HOORAY!!!!!

Oct 04, 2007 10:16 AM
Amber Langston
Probably the first will be "What the heck - is this girl old enough to own a business or what?" I get it ALL the time. :) Oh well. Curses now may be blessings later, right? 
Oct 04, 2007 10:20 AM
Michele Kurelich
Triangle Home Staging & Design/Lasting Impressions - Raleigh, NC
Raleigh Home Staging and Design


Truth be told for me it's not about vanity or lack of, its about, I spent a good amount of marketing dollars too have my logo designed and I am prouder of that then my mug.  Go figure, my picture is free, so maybe that's why my logo has more value to me.  After reading your post, I may change it because I see that people want to see a face, even if it's mine:)  

Oct 04, 2007 12:50 PM

Look, Michele, my degree's in criminal justice, not marketing, so feel free to toss away every word I now offer:

A well-designed logo is invaluable for advertising, letterhead and other collateral, etc.  When in the service business, however, and a creative one at that, I try to imagine what clients are really shopping to find.  In my mind, it's a personal connection, the sense that the person (business) offers what they seek, and then the credentials (befores and afters, testimony, profile) to deliver.

On AR, which is all about interpersonal connection, I believe photos helps us get to know one another.

Just my two cents, from DC...


Oct 05, 2007 01:16 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging
Oops....sorry.  I commented before logging in......silly Jaynee!
Oct 05, 2007 01:16 AM