
Realtors work hard for their money

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Garden City Realty Inc., Brokerage

Let me tell you... The life of a new Real Estate Agent is not easy. I just got licensed last Monday and I've been working more for the past week and a half as a Realtor, than if I was working my regular 9-5 job, and I didn't even get paid.

Take yesterday for example. I got up at 5 am, had extra strong coffee, checked my emails, checked new listings, checked new private listings, prepared few FSBO packages. By 9 am I was on my way to the office, on my way I dropped off the FSBO packages I earlier prepared. At the office, I sat down with my broker and we both prepared my new website and figured out all 1000 different log ins I now have. By 11 am I was off to get my nails done, but that was not all leisure activity anymore. I talked business and gave out couple of my cards. After the appointment I had a quick bite to eat and went back to the office for the weekly training. I was finally back home at 5 pm and had dinner with my family. At home I have 15 year old and 17 months old girls. I spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening taking care of the younger one, cleaning the house etc. After I said good night to both of my girls, I went upstairs to the office to plan my next day. I studied all the training materials I received earlier in the day and I started putting together buyer and seller packages. By midnight I was done and very tired.

I worked 12 solid hours yesterday and not a penny for it. That's ok, I'm happy to do it because I love Real Estate and I want to be in this business. I just wish everyone would know that Real Estate is hard work. Today I will start prospecting for business so my days will fill up even more.

Now that I'm done with this blog, it's time to get ready and go into the office. There, I will make some phone calls, get few more things set up and then I will be off on open house tour. In the afternoon I will prospect in my area. It will be another busy day.



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Katerina Gasset
The Gasset Group & Get It Done For Me Virtual Services - Provo, UT
Amplify Your Real Estate & Life Dreams!
Welcome to your new career. It is lots of work to be a Realtor and this is just the beginning. But after years in the business you will have a following and it will be so much time. And as you get successful you will be able to outsource your non income producing tasks. Welcome to AR and Welcome to Real Estate. Katerina
Jul 26, 2007 12:42 AM
Missy Caulk
Missy Caulk TEAM - Ann Arbor, MI
Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate

Yes, it is a 24/7 job. 1000 logins ? Are you kidding ?

Jul 26, 2007 12:43 AM
DDR Realty
DDR Realty - Newburgh, NY
Orange County NY
Welcome to our world, Monika. Just know the rewards can be great for you and your clients. Best to you in your new profession.
Jul 26, 2007 12:46 AM
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator - Fort Myers, FL


Keep on keepin' on.  Your hard work will pay off.

Jul 26, 2007 12:53 AM
Debbie Anderson
Virtual Properties - Flowery Branch, GA
Specializing as a Buyers Rep for Seniors Transitio
Congrats on getting your license! It's a great profession - good luck!
Jul 26, 2007 12:57 AM
William Collins
ERA Queen City Realty - Scotch Plains, NJ
Property and Asset Management


Thanks for the post. There's something intoxicating about this business and I remember starting out with very long hours much the same as you're experiencing now. With time you'll find your grove, a system and a pace that works for you.

Jul 26, 2007 01:10 AM
Mike Fotiou
First Place Realty - Calgary, AB
Calgary & Area Real Estate
Best wishes in your new profession.  Just keep up your hard work, and it will pay off! (maybe just not right away)
Jul 26, 2007 02:15 AM
Brad Snyder
Sierra Vista Realty - Sierra Vista, AZ
Can I get a amen! Hey great post. It is a shame more people do not understand how hard we work. They just think we put a sign in a yard or show a house and collect a commission. Most will not understand the hours and hours of work it takes to get one deal to the closing table.
Jul 26, 2007 02:34 AM
Monika Murray
Re/Max Garden City Realty Inc., Brokerage - Burlington, ON
Burlington/Flamborough Real Estate
Thank you all for your awesome comments!!
Jul 27, 2007 12:25 AM
Melissa Wagner
Leo Parker Real Estate & Auction - Woodbury, TN

Hey Monika! This sounds a bit like my days! I also work 3 nights per week doig 12 hr shifts at a local hospital so a couple days per week I only get a couple of hours sleep. I have a 13 year old and a sweet husband that thankfully are very supportive. Funny how before getting a license you don't realize how many hours and work it takes! You just are thinking good grief, I have to pay my realtor how much!? Now I look at it so different! With all of the hours it takes to close a deal, spread it out and it doesn't seem like so much does it? :)

I do this because I love it too! Good luck!

Aug 01, 2007 08:04 PM
Joyce "Joy" Mahaney Brewster
High Profile Realty - Glendale, AZ
Monika, just remember to never give up.  If you love real estate like you say, when things aren't happening and the market is at a stand still, keep on moving!  You might have to go back to square one as far as marketing but never stop.  I almost gave up and now I'm up and running again and I found out that real estate is my passion and we must never look back!  I have kids too and it is very challenging when you have an offer you're trying to write up and it's 6:30 pm and the family wants to know where mom is and where is our dinner?  But, you can do it!!!!
Aug 14, 2007 03:27 PM
Chrissy Harrison
Referral Only Realty - Longmont, CO
Monika - Welcome to the wonderful world of real estate! Make sure you're ready to add more long hours when business starts coming in. It's tough, but very rewarding, exciting and challenging. Sound like you're off to a great start - congratulations!
Aug 14, 2007 03:36 PM
Monika Murray
Re/Max Garden City Realty Inc., Brokerage - Burlington, ON
Burlington/Flamborough Real Estate
Melissa, Joyce and Chrissy - Thank you!!  Being a mom with a career is tough.  Everyday I'm torn between my family and my new career.  I have to remind myself that I'm doing it for them in the first place...
Aug 14, 2007 11:04 PM
Springfield, MA

People who are not in the business don't realize just how much work it is- especially mentally! We don't have a time clock to punch in or out so our work days go on beyond the family dinner or even while having our morning coffee. We have clients that drive us crazy- drive us all over town or the sellers who will not budge on their price and then cut their own noses off to spite their faces.

Most think it's all about seeing the inside of nice homes like window shopping and getting paid for it. NOT!

Aug 18, 2007 07:31 AM
Susan Thompson
Remax Bell Park - Dayville, CT


I had to laugh when I read the post.... I gave up my corporate job to be a stay at home mom of twin girls. Thought, hec why not use my Real Estate License and make some quick money while I am at home.. Really, how hard can it be?  OH MY GOSH WAS I WORNG!!!! My 50 hour a week corporate job was easy money! THIS IS WORK...! 

But, honestly it will become a little easier once you get your name out there. You will have some transactions that will make your hair fall out, but for the most part if you are organized and prepare yourself, stay ahead of your competition and are self confident..... you will succeed and love what you do. 

Here is my take, when you are sitting accross the table at closing (if you go) from your clients and they are handed the keys to their new home..... the expression and excitment on their face will make all the hard work you put in well worth it! PRICELESS!!!!


Aug 18, 2007 08:40 AM
Jennifer Martin
Letting License Expire in June 2010 - Santa Claus, IN

Monika - sounds like you had some insight prior to getting your license lol. I didn't even know what an FSBO was till about the 3rd month and I've only recently gained enough "knowledge" to where I feel comfortable even approaching them.

I mean it really sounds like you were born to do this job and that the field is lucky to have you! Good Luck as you begin this wonderful career and I for one look forward to reading your blog.

Aug 18, 2007 01:29 PM
Barbara-Jo Roberts Berberi, MA, PSA, TRC - Greater Clearwater Florida Residential Real Estate Professional
Charles Rutenberg Realty - Clearwater, FL
Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater, Safety Harbor
We do indeed work hard and most of it is behind the scene with paperwork and setting things up for clients. People really have little idea just how much we do or how many hours we work!
Aug 18, 2007 03:13 PM
Cheri Smith
Prudential Gary Greene, Cypress TX - Cypress, TX
Realtor Prudential Gary Greene
At least you got to eat at 5! My kids are lucky to get fed by 8! I've been doing this for 2 years and my days don't get any easier. I'm finally starting to make better money though so that is a plus. Keep at it and don't give up.
Aug 20, 2007 10:23 AM
Prudential Preferred Realty Butler PA
Prudential Preferred Realty - Butler, PA

It will get better.  As you start a groove, you will fall into a schedule/system.


Good luck!

Oct 19, 2007 01:39 PM
Jennifer Hartwick
Crane and Crane Real Estate - Columbia, MO
Wonderful post and so true for many of us!  I don't think my husband quite gets that I'm actually working!  I cleaned the oven/stove of a vacant listing the other day.  Owners are out of town and too many comments regarding "food" smells.  Had to take action!  I know it takes time and I'm prepared for that, I think the one that is surprised is him!
Oct 20, 2007 12:45 PM